Daughter's pony "collection"


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 12, 2005
We don't really collect ponies in the sense of keeping them in really good condition as a future investment, but I do customs and loved ponies as a little girl so I've brainwashed :D my daughter into liking them also. These are all her ponies - most desperately need their hair done since they get a lot of use - especially when her friends are over. I got their house at Goodwill a few weeks ago (I think it was old "as is" returned stock from somewhere) for $10 so now they all live there. Maybe we'll try for some of that new pony furniture for Christmas or something to snaz the place up. :D They're kind of hard to see but the top row are all G3's (adults, babies, tiny tins, breezies, etc.). the middle left hand room is a bunch of baity G1's with a few McDonald's G2's, then the other rooms are accessories and vehicles (not all of them My Little Pony). Then she has a few of the plush? G3's in front as "guards". Most of the ponies are 3-4 deep on the shelves.


Aaww, it's so nice to see that you can pass your passion of ponies on to your daughter =) Make ponies live on forever! yay :p Hehe :)

It's a great collection she's got there :) One lucky little girl.
Oh my goodness! You're a great Mom! I would have killed to have that many ponies to choose from when playing as a girl! She is so luck-ay!
Wow, your daughter has a lot of ponies to play with! I'm just hoping that I have a little girl when I finally have a child, she'd be sorted for toys!!
SoSoftClaire said:
Oh my goodness! You're a great Mom! I would have killed to have that many ponies to choose from when playing as a girl! She is so luck-ay!

ME TOO! My parents could only afford two for me.

Awesome! I really love that house. It's really cute!
How cute! ^^ Hehe I would, too! But I only had 18 ponies when I was young. :p Well, when I was into MLP. XD Which was when I was 8.