Damaged doesn't mean worthless


World's Biggest Breezie
MLPTP Supporter
Oct 30, 2023
I saved this OG beauty from the thrift bins. She had her left ear and the side of her head chewed off, and she was dirty and in major need of a brushing, but I knew she still had life left in her. Now, she's brushed, cleaned, and her hair is styled to the other side to cover her blemish. I think she'll be part of my collection forever now, so she's got a lot of time left to be cherished. May each of your New Years begin as well as mine and hers have ended.
She looks great! The baby of my Bright Bouquet family has half a leg, chewed off by my childhood dog. So when I found an Apple Delight family with a baby that had a near identical missing leg, they had to be mine! Damaged ponies need love too :satisfied:
I have a Hollywood with chewed legs and a haircut, my Applejack was tailless when I got her, and I'm pretty sure at least one of my others (either Lickety-Split or Posey) currently is tailless. I love them all.

Good on you for giving a damaged pony a home and love.
Sometimes, being beyond full repair/restoration is the only way I will get my hands on a more rare pony.
All of these responses are confirming my belief that I should pack even the roughest ponies for meets and conventions, because someone is waiting to give them a good home.
All of these responses are confirming my belief that I should pack even the roughest ponies for meets and conventions, because someone is waiting to give them a good home.

Absolutely! Especially if it is a pony I don’t have yet or maybe can’t afford yet in perfect condition, I am very willing to take home “baits” and clean them up!