Custom MLP skins for Sims 3: Plus Pets [PC game] *Large pics*


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005
Hi everyone :)

When I hurt my back recently and couldn't move much, I passed some of the time by playing around with Sims 3 [with the Pets expansion--it has horses!] and thought I might try making the original six as horses. Then a Show Stable. Which admittedly didn't turn out as well.

And, well... here are the results. :blush: If anyone wants the game files, send me a PM and I can try to email them to you.


I cheated with Minty because I don't know how to add custom stencils--these were all made with stencils that come with the game.

Click thumbnails for full size:

Edited to add Sundance and jumping Bluebelle:

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awwww.... super cute!! I need to get the pets ep.
This is going to make me want to play the Sims again. :x Don't have Pets expansion but would defiantly get it now that it's out. Hmmm... a fun time sink or studying for the GREs...

That is so awesome :D Makes me wanna start playing Sims 3 again XD But ooooh so many expansions to catch up on :p
AH! They are perfect! I would love to have each of them if you have the files handy. I loved the Pets EP ( I have them all ) and while I am loving Supernatural, I think these pretty ponies need to be in my current hood. I promise I won't let the Zombies get them!
Those are really nice! I was never allowed to play Sims so I never got into it. I can remember asking my mom at the dinner table once if I could get the game and she barked back "No! You'll get addicted!"

Haha, oh mother. Only you sees games the same way other parents see drugs. xD