Creepy Eyes! Help me create something out of this Pony!!


Twinkle Eye... 20% Cooler.
Jun 7, 2005
(*edited to change the images to was being stretched...)

Well, this is probably not the body I will use, although I would LIKE a body in this pose w/o the Icecream cone.... I was going to sand it off, but you will see what happened with that below...

I have re-eyed this Galaxy who was very hot pink, because I gouged out her eyes to make a G3 Galaxy. I have been wondering what to do with her, when I got this lot of baits off ebay. I got one of those fakies like the Magic Meadow ponies, you know, with the glass looking eyes? Anyway, My gears started grinding, and I gouged her eyes out and made an ocular transplant to the freak Galaxy. Now, on one side, her eye looks charming, but on the other side, I just couldn't get it to line up quite right. Here's the pic:
It looks all bugged out! Anyway, I want some help throwing her together. I am thinking along the lines of the good old Patchwork ponies we used to do. If you have any suggestions, post 'em! If nothing else, I am going to make her into one of my PonyIsland ponies. Also, if you have a bait Skyflier or Powder body, lmk, because I might take it off your hands. :3
When you sand the ice cream it leaves a hole? Why don't you try to finish the work of removing the ice cream cones and just cover the hole with apoxie sculpt? one layer on the inside of the pony and another to cover the details on the exterior... your idea is wonderful, I have to confess that I got freaked out when I saw the eyes, but when you get used to it, it looks beautiful!!! And for the eye, maybe making a little more wider eyelashes could help, it gives the effect of sweet looking eyes... Or, maybe, keep the good side as your display side :D

I hope that you don't have to throw it away!!!
The eyes are possitioned differently. The eye that looks good (and it really does look GOOD) is angled more so it's looking back, so your iris isn't surrounded entirely by white. The freaky looking eye displays the surrounding eye white leading to the unnatural look. Now, on a human this would be easy to fix and have look right. On a pony...well, that's going to be interesting. I'd probably just roll the freaky looking eye back to about the same possition as the pretty one.

And I'll ditto the "sand off the cone and apoxiescult it in" thought on the ice cream cone.

~Storm Singer
quinault stables is right. The freakiness is coming from the iris being too small, so it makes the eye look like it's very wide open. I'd second the notion of rolling the eye so that at least one edge of the pupil comes in contact with the upper eyelid. Another solution would be to paint an edge around the pupil, making it larger. Not sure how this would look though and you'd have to have a steady hand. A thick eyelash on the upper lid might help too.

As far as the body goes, I'd hold out for another bait, like Powder or Skyflier. Fixing holes like that is almost always going to leave a bump or crease. You could, as an alternative, make your own 3-D symbol (or jeweled symbol) in its place.
Thanks for the input. My intentions with the raised symbol were as you guys stated, to sand them off and remake them with sculpey. I have done a few ponies like that, but I never like the way they turn out.

Yuss, I think I am going to try and reposition the freak eye. I love her sweet side though. And I think I have a fate for her as well! I want to make her into one of my favorite PonyIsland Ponies, Daffodil. I have drawn a pic of her:
But I want the wavy hair for her... Is there any way to do wavy hair with Katsilk? I know you can curl it with boiling water, but i don't know about waving it... :/
You can weave strands of hair in and out of the teeth on a comb. You may have to use a few combs to get all the hair set. May be an easier way too.

And you don't really need to use boiling water on the hair. Just wet it, set it to curl (or wave) and let it dry. I never use hot water on my ponies hair and the curl stays in just fine.
Usually restoredoll hair will fall flat if not boiled. Real pony hair will stay curled just by wetting it and drying it in curlers.

You can get the wavy look by wrapping the hair in looser curls, instead od tight ringlets.

Or you can put her hair in braids (not tiny braids though, otherwise her hair will looked crimped, as opposed to wavy), and boil those.

Another way that might work well (in theory) is to twist the hair, and then roll it into a bun and then boil. I *think* this should work well, to give a natural sort of wave...but I've never tried it. Maybe I'll get a chance to test it on one of my customs.