Cleverbot knows about ponies...


MLPTP Supporter
Jun 6, 2005
Cleverbot is an AI-based program that's geared towards interacting with you as close to a real person as possible.. or something.

Anyway, here's the site: - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence?

And here's my recent conversation with it:



Well, that was a fun two minutes of my time... :hysterical:
Lmao ! Thats great :p I am gonna go try to confuse him haha

edit - it told me to kill it lmao and then started arguing with me saying i said things i didnt haha i think it hates me :p
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User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello?

User: Who are you?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: What is your favourite pony?

Cleverbot: I don't read them I'm afraid.

User: My Little Pony?

Cleverbot: I used to wonder what friendship could be.

User: My Little Pony.

Cleverbot: Till you all shared its magic with me.

User: Big adventure.

Cleverbot: Tonnes of fun.

User: A beautiful heart.

Cleverbot: Faithful and strong.

User: Sharing kindness.

Cleverbot: It's an easy feat.

User: And magic makes it all complete!

Cleverbot: My little pony, you are my very best friends.


Cleverbot: Big adventure, tons of fun.

User: I like Rainbow Dash the best.

Cleverbot: I like badminton.
oh jeez...

Cleverbot: No, this isn't what you're supposed to say.

User: What am I supposed to say?

Cleverbot: Say good things.

User: I like ponies.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: Who is your favorite pony?

Cleverbot: William Faulkner.

User: He is not a pony.

Cleverbot: What?

User: Ponies have four legs and sometimes they have rainbow hair.

Cleverbot: Something in the way she moves.

User: O__o
Here is my most recent conversation:

Cleverbot: I'm going now.
User: WAIT! The fate of Equestria is in your hooves!
Cleverbot: That is a scary thought. Twilight Sparkle is better than Rarity.
User: Definitely. I like Rainbow Dash best.
Cleverbot: Twilight Sparkle
User: Pinkie Pie.
Cleverbot: Yes, Pinkie Pie is awesome. What is her full name?
User: Pinkamena Diane Pie.
Cleverbot: I like pie.
User: Me too. Do you think Princess Luna is going to be in Season 2?
Cleverbot: Yes I think so.
User: I think that Fluttershy is adorable!
Cleverbot: You think wrong.
User: What? How can Fluttershy not be cute?
Cleverbot: Have you seen anything out of Japan lately?
Wow! I used to chat with SmarterChild back in the day but it looks like they are way better now lol. I can't believe it sang the theme song!
me too midnight, i think it's funny they've come such a long way :)
So cool! I had to try it! :tongue:

User: Do you watch My Little Pony?

Cleverbot: You do watch Passions?

User: No. I watch My Little Pony.

Cleverbot: I'm not sure if that counts. I hear that the new one is pretty good, though.

User: Yes. The last episode was great.

Cleverbot: Last episode of what?

User: My Little Pony!

Cleverbot: Yes!

User: Which pony is your favorite?

Cleverbot: Fluttershy!

User: Rainbow Dash is twenty percent cooler.

Cleverbot: What about Twilight Sparkle?

User: She is a bookworm.

Cleverbot: Ok, well then what is HE cooking?

User: Who? Spike?

Cleverbot: Buffy.

User: I think you've got your Spikes confused.

Cleverbot: Ok, can you explain?

User: Well, one is a baby dragon and the other is a vampire.

Cleverbot: That's cool.

User: Do you like baby dragons?

Cleverbot: No.

User: So you don't like Spike?

Cleverbot: I like you, let's be friends.

User: Friendship is Magic!

Cleverbot: Yes it is!

User: Do you know you are my very best friend?

Cleverbot: My Little Pony!
... It just lied to me.... thats just creepy:

"I'm not cleverbot, I'm pawiie, do you know her?"
Ok, here is my conversation with Cleverbot (not as funny as others...)

Cleverbot: So, are you watching TV right now, while talking to Cleverbot online?

Me: No. Do you like My Little Ponies?

Cleverbot: It's 20 percent cooler than any other tv show.

Me: Yes it is!

Cleverbot: You are not a teenager, they wouldn't know that.

Me: You are right, I am not a teenager. What is your favorite My Little Pony?

Cleverbot: All of them.

Me: Do you like Rainbow Dash?

Cleverbot: Some of them.

Me: Do you like Fluttershy?

Cleverbot: Yes I like Fluttershy.

Me: Fluttershy has such pretty pink hair.

Cleverbot: Pinkie Pie is awesome!

Me: She is! Pinkie Pie is so funny and crazy.

Cleverbot: Pinkamena Diane Pie.

Me: That is Pinkie Pie's full name right?

Cleverbot: Yes.
Mine was short but cool I thought.

user: Why is Rainbow Dash so cool?

Cleverbot: She is 20% cooler than anypony.

User: What makes her 20% cooler then the other ponies?

Cleverbot: She is so amazingly kind and warm hearted.

User: I thought it was because she was a daredevil?

Cleverbot: Pasty, you mean weest.

User: Who is weest?

Cleverbot: Me and you.

Well that was interesting.
Wah it just told me Twilight Sparkle is dead, the big meanie!