Christmas Eve Guessing Game!

My husband is suddenly enthralled by this game and the fact I both made a list of available numbers AND we are on page 11 with no correct now he just has to know what the right answer is. :p So apparently we are staying up until we reach page 12 so I can enter in his guesses.
That's a dedicated spouse! I am intrigued that he thinks he knows. So...

And here, for your viewing pleasure, and adorable puppy:

Well, it's about midnight here so headed to bed but I'll check back next time I'm up to feed baby :) goodnight to all and Merry Christmas! Hopefully we'll get this number guessed soon :)
Merry Christmas! Kiss that baby for me!

Man, i love Babies. Mine hadda go and get all grown up and manly. Fooey.
By the way, Kallile... if your husband gets the number right, is he claiming the prize for himself?

He bumps the thread for his mommy like a good minion. But it is not enough. We must wait...