
Wow, that is really well-done!

It looks so much like the pictures of her.

Cool! ^_^
Oh Bittie she's lovely and those books! I had the morgan ones when I was young, I loved him. Thanks for that beautiful custom to remind me of them.
OMG, I love those books. I still have my childhood ones!!!!! The custom is too cute for words!!!!!
oh my gosh. Those used to be my fave books as a tiny kid!!! Where do you get those books from? The only one i actually remember readin was 'Glitterby Baby' and it was my favourite. I used to borrow it constantly from the school library. But then one day, they did a clean-out, and i never saw any of those beautiful books again...:(

but that is the cutest custom i've seen all month!!!! Such a good idea...
she's really sweet !

I think that could be so cool to see hasbro make real ponies like appaloosas, tinkers, frisians, lippizzaner......... cause this dying color is just WOW ! *If those kind of dreams can come true*
She is just adorable! :)
Oh I just adore her! I haven't thought of the seredipity books forever! She is just the perfect translation of her. Nice work!