*~* Blue Dragon & Baby Hello Kitty for hodgemo2 *~*


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Feb 11, 2009
I did a personal custom swap with the lovely hodgemo2, she had all kinds of cool ideas and let me choose - but I couldn't choose just 1!
She made me an AMAZING pony (still en route, but shall be revealed soon, and you will all cry with jealousy, I apologize in advance).

Blue Dragon
Bait: Sunny Daze
Hair: After Midnight, Raincloud, Black Magick
Symbols: India ink & metallic paint




Baby Hello Kitty
Bait: Goody Gumdrop
Hair: Cupcake and Starlight
Symbols: India ink and acrylic paint


awwww they're both so prettys. the dark blues on the dragon are gorgeous. and i'm not a fan of HK, but i don't hate her (my mom won't let me XD;; ) but that is just too cute! the pinks on the whites and silvers is just too prettys. awesome job ^^

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
awesome! Me wants dragon pony...after all...I am known as the dragon lady to my friends :D

Great job on these
If I ever get any money, I really must comission you for a dragon pony. She is beautiful! I love her eyes! Baby Hello Kitty is so cute, too!
Wowzers! I am a huge Hello Kitty fan, rock-on! Amazing representation of her, really, I'm serious! Blue Dragon is also very nice..