Blind Bag Flutter Wind Drifter & persona, also a wip of my big girl


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 25, 2010
I am loving blind bags. I will be making generations cross overs of the ponies I want to add to my heard. (In duplicates so I can sell one to buy more supplies.)
The yellow girls here are G1 Flutter Pony Windrifter. The wings were done by painting them pearl white and then "flocked" with fine irridescent glitter. I know Wind Drifters facial mark is on her forehead but the bangs were in the way so I painted the tiny windmill on her display side cheek. The detail work is so tiny I had to use a magnifying glass. Ofcourse I made matching animal companions for them, a hamer head shark and a cat.
The green blind bag is one of my pony personas.
The big pony I am doing for me. She is inspired by Catalina Estrada's Pony Project 2008 entry. The only thing they have in common is monochromatic coloring, raised dots, and flowers.
Actually my girl is being done in irregular shaped dots. I wanted her to be more delft but it turned more mosiac. She also has a hibiscus theme. When she is done she will be completely covered in raised dots. What is really neat is the color of each dot is actually under the dots. The dots are crystal clear and catches the light. All the dots shown are raised but you can see the light affect in the butterfly. You are looking at two weeks of work. There is more decoration on her other side, back and belly. I am hoping to have her done in time for the local County and State Fairs. I dont know if I will be able to enter her, the rules have nop been completely posted on the Fair's websites yet. I can also see me not being aloud to enter her because I used a Hasbro doll. But we will see.
The glittery wings are soo pretty <33 The pets are amazing too. Your big pony is looking very good so far. You must have amazing patience to do all of those little dots lol
Rock-on! Would ya look at that? Sweet! Such detailed work..awww..everything..
Sooooooo pretty and unusual x:mrgreen:
Dying. That big pony is GORGEOUS. I love blue and white and just....I don't even. 0.0 good job!
You have the patience of a saint. I hope you'll be able to enter her!
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (adorable) Love the blind bags!