Blackpool's My Little Pony Illuminations are for SALE!

I really hope that all the people that purchased them make sure to give them good homes. We don't want any of those awesome pieces to go into disrepair.
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Sorry, I missed it! I don't live in the UK but I would have loved to have one nonetheless!

Those are amazing, I'm so jealous!!!! Where are you going to keep them??? I want one!!!!!! The photos are cool, too!!! Is that you pony-hugging? I would have clung on and refused to let go. How long have those been in Blackpool? Last time I went was around 15 years ago and all I can remember is the Alice in Wonderland ride, but sadly no ponies. You're a lucky girl, hee hee!:911:
*looks around*

Okay. I guess I'll have to be the one to ask the question, then.

What in the name of everything good would you do with such a massive pony? Sure, they're neat and people seem to have an emotional attachment to them, but... They're so large that it's nearly impossible to do anything constructive with them, save for planting them out on your front yard, which.. well... I'd be raising **** if there was a massive pony on my neighbor's lawn.
*looks around*

Okay. I guess I'll have to be the one to ask the question, then.

What in the name of everything good would you do with such a massive pony? Sure, they're neat and people seem to have an emotional attachment to them, but... They're so large that it's nearly impossible to do anything constructive with them, save for planting them out on your front yard, which.. well... I'd be raising **** if there was a massive pony on my neighbor's lawn.

.. why? why would you raise **** for what a neighbor chose to have on their lawn?
So YOU'RE Cheryl Barker!

Nightsea - We were planning on buying one for the UK PONYCON but I was too slow off the mark. Also, what do we do with our pony collections? Sit and look at them and enjoy owning them, nothing more nothing less. I'd really love to own one of these personally.

*batts eyelids* Maybe someone would lend us one?

lol. ;)

Super congratulations to everyone that got them, what a great opportunity.
Oh. My!! They are absolutely awesome! I wish we had something like that around here. LOL! Not that I could afford it, but it'd be nice to have pictures taken with it nonetheless! Congrats on snapping up Baby TiddleyWinks though! =O
As Gypsy Wildflower said... same thing will happen to this pony as does with my other ponies. She will sit in my living room, I bought the smallest other than the dragon, I dont have kids, I have the space and unlike the other normal ponies she also has the added attraction of being a light should I buy the caravan socket converter that she needs. So I say lighting is constructive.

And my emotional happiness is constructive.

Yes its sentimental, yes she was expensive, but I have just spent 15 hours writing about 20 odd policies and procedures for my work and got paid over time. So its up to me what I spent it on, and something that has made me as overjoyed as this is totally worth it.

Why would you complain what a neighbour had in their garden?

Nobody is going to sour my happiness over this.
I'd hope nobody would try take your happiness away Pookie.

As long as a garden is in good order and well maintained, what should it matter which ornaments are displayed? Tastes differ, and that is what makes the world a fun place. It'd be boring if we all likes the same.

I really want to see pictures of her installed in your living room. Mine is big enough to have fitted one in, or I'd have kept her in the garage and brought her out to light up in the garden for special occasions.

I'm a caravanner, and if I didn't need it for myself, I'd loan you my adaptor just so I could see pictures of her lit up.

I've been telling everyone at work that I know one of the people that bought part of the Illuminations, it has been a big talking point round here, you're a minor celebrity you know!

Shlugh xxx
Please keep this nice folks.

Pookie, huge congrats. If I were local to that sale, my savings acct would be empty now. I want one SO bad. Heck, if I were rich, I'd buy them all and light them up. I've never seen anything so pretty before.

I'm sure you'll treasure her and take wonderful care of her. As to what the use of a giant pony is, what is the use of 100's and 100's of little ponies we all collect? Nothing really, Except enjoying them. Enjoy her Pookie! and I'll admit I'm a tiny bit envious of you right now! that's amazing!
I didn't see Nightsea's post as that negative, more just where would you put one. The biggest ones wouldn't fit inside, but the babies would. They were smaller than me and I'm 5"2'. So they would just be a part of the collection really. You could always sit on the big ones and pretend to be queen of all the ponies below you lol. I wish I'd known about the Convention wanting one, I could have easily got one for you guys, there were ones left when I was there.
Things like this make me wish I lived over there. I'd have wanted the dragon. Then again, I'm a dragon fanatic, so that's no surprise. I think it's fantastic that you got one, and such an expressive one at that. I also think it's great that they put you on TV with her. I would be giddy as a school girl if I were you. :)
Pookie, it wasn't meant personally - it was just a general 'Where in the world would you put something like that?'

Like previously stated, they wouldn't easily fit inside, and keeping it outside in the elements all the time would degrade it. And sticking it in a shed.. well.. why bother having it anyway?

And I realize that many of the posters here are from the UK, but here in the US some neighborhoods have things called Homeowners Associations which help to keep a neighborhood in an attractive, orderly fashion. A back garden is one thing, but a front yard - which is why I mentioned that location - would be an unacceptable place for something like that. It can lower the perceived value of nearby homes, crazy as it might sound, and really tick off your neighbors. No one typically wants something crazy in the neighborhood, same way that no one wants one of those people who gather junk and rotting cars in the front yard as a neighbor.

I apologize - I should have elaborated a bit more.
Ahh, no worries Nightsea. Hard to get across tone sometimes.

Yes, it's the same thing here. I *know* people who have cars, and broken stuff rotting in their yards. It's so hard to sell your house if the one beside it looks like junk. and even though a well kept yard with crazy ornaments isn't allowed in a lot of places either, you still have a backyard you can pretty much decorate how you wish.
Also even though I love mlp. my neighbors may not. LOL.

Thankfully you can go as wild as you would like with lawn ornaments in the backyard. :mrgreen:
Aaw Icecrystal, I was just too slow off the mark. Only found out about this on tuesday and mulled over the logistics lol and then thought aah what the heck and they'd all gone.

Nightsea, Oh I didn't find you negative lol I live on a farm so it would go in a barn. And yea I lived near someone who had fibre glass bears in their front garden ROFL and more. I loved it lol (not my personal taste but it brightened up the drive to work) but I can totally see why other people wouldn't.
Oh My God!!!
I'd sell my sister (eheheheh) to be able to buy that giant Flutter display!
Congratulation on your purchase!She's adorable!!!!