Aww, that hurts!

If you think THATS bad try being an older adult trying to make an excuse to buy pony stuff. I have two pony stickers in my black book (restaurant book that holds my paper money etc) but they're small. Hardly anyone at work knows I like my little pony. If it got around I'd be screwed =(
If you think THATS bad try being an older adult trying to make an excuse to buy pony stuff. I have two pony stickers in my black book (restaurant book that holds my paper money etc) but they're small. Hardly anyone at work knows I like my little pony. If it got around I'd be screwed =(

That sounds like somebody else I use to talk to who collected fashion dolls. She would buy them for herself and claim they were for her infant girl.

I don't make an excuse about buying toys. I just buy them.
kids are allways mean to other kids, hey even to adults....
I must say though, that I have " come out of the closet" on my job... and now everybody knows about my hobby... some has even come to me asking how much their own old ponies are worth...
And some of my friends asked me about MLP and found it pretty interesting... I personaly feel releaved that they know... cause if they don´t like me because of my hobby, they will never like me as a person... So now I know that the friends I have around me accept me for who I am and I can trust them in any matter... It´s a nice feeling...

It´s harder in school though... but keep in mind that it gets better with time.... Good luck and you are very welcome to come and talk if you want... ;)
*pony hugs* That's so cruel and unnecessary :( I totally agree that anyone who needs to say such infantile things, is clearly "telling us something about themselves - they're not happy." as my Mum used to tell me as a bullied kid.

Now at the age of 25, I am being bullied again by a child on another website and unfortunately am getting no help from the administrators simply because I am an adult and the bully is a child :( All that means to me is that *I* have more restraint, children don't, and they can be INCREDIBLY cruel. I feel as though this child isn't being held to the same rules we ALL agree on when joining up. Completely unfair if you ask me.

All I can say is that you are definitely in the right place here :) Not once has anyone on this forum made me feel wrong or like I should be ashamed or act differently to protect myself. I feel that we really ARE an all ages site here, and everyone can contribute in some form about PONIES! Never feel ashamed of having such an innocent and friendship promoting hobby :) x
I think there are always going to be people that think collectors of toys and dolls are just plain odd and mental. I have gotten that for years from others the same age as me who think my doll collection is just plain silly and that I must have serious mental problems collecting kids toys as well. Collectors get a bad reputation for being weird and strange from a lot of minimalists that just don't get it. They want as little stuff as possible around them..chances are when they grew up their parents threw their toys out very quickly and they were forced to grow up with strict rules and structure. Young kids don't understand adults that like dolls and toys because their minds can't take them past the desire to grow up and be "big" really fast. All they focus on at those ages is growing up and being and much so that the kids of today have no concept of sentimental joys, toy and doll memories that they can pass down to their own kids and they even attack the few kids around them that are raised differently. We have the technology age to blame for the fact our kids grow up too fast. Kids can be very very rude. Consider the fact that these kids will get to that "grown up" stage eventually and a few will become collectors..right now they aren't going to get it.
We have to be who we are even if we fit into a group that is widely misunderstood. We were not all created the same and I personally love my collecting. Its very hard to be met up with such adversity just trying to get an answer to your question..they are just not educated in the world around them. Try not to take it personally. I know it hurts though. I am a whole lot older than you...and I encounter this with adults even.
I think its also important to note that there is a growing problem with young kids using the internet to attack others. In real life moments they may be a quiet child that doesn't have good social skills, but the internet gives them a sense of power and they just jump all over others. Some of these young people may also be angry kids, parents may not be home much and they have too much time on their hands and enjoy being mean. Sadly our playground problems have hit a highway through the internet where there is no one requiring they behave and be nice to others.

Think of what I go through...I am an adult collector that not only loves collecting American Girl, but toys like MLP. Odd bird maybe...but my husband is much the same way with his Star Wars and Transformer toys. My collecting started much later..after college when I became disabled. I guess it gave me something fun to do. I wish others could quit being so judgemental. There is a reason all people are like they are and we should all embrase each other with a kind and accepting attitude. If we just don't like something in a person..walk away and don't say mean, nasty things.
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Yeah, my friends made fun of me for it, as well. I remember walking over to sit in a desk and one of my papers was showing, and the girl said "you drew another pony?!". :( I don't see what's wrong with that...
World is full of idiots like that people.Just ignore them.
I just couldnt' stand it if my co-workers found out. Anyone who's worked at a resturant knows that resturant folk tend to be very ruthless and cruel at times..
I think there are always going to be people that think collectors of toys and dolls are just plain odd and mental. I have gotten that for years from others the same age as me who think my doll collection is just plain silly and that I must have serious mental problems collecting kids toys as well. Collectors get a bad reputation for being weird and strange from a lot of minimalists that just don't get it. They want as little stuff as possible around them..chances are when they grew up their parents threw their toys out very quickly and they were forced to grow up with strict rules and structure. Young kids don't understand adults that like dolls and toys because their minds can't take them past the desire to grow up and be "big" really fast. All they focus on at those ages is growing up and being and much so that the kids of today have no concept of sentimental joys, toy and doll memories that they can pass down to their own kids and they even attack the few kids around them that are raised differently. We have the technology age to blame for the fact our kids grow up too fast. Kids can be very very rude. Consider the fact that these kids will get to that "grown up" stage eventually and a few will become collectors..right now they aren't going to get it.
We have to be who we are even if we fit into a group that is widely misunderstood. We were not all created the same and I personally love my collecting. Its very hard to be met up with such adversity just trying to get an answer to your question..they are just not educated in the world around them. Try not to take it personally. I know it hurts though. I am a whole lot older than you...and I encounter this with adults even.
I think its also important to note that there is a growing problem with young kids using the internet to attack others. In real life moments they may be a quiet child that doesn't have good social skills, but the internet gives them a sense of power and they just jump all over others. Some of these young people may also be angry kids, parents may not be home much and they have too much time on their hands and enjoy being mean. Sadly our playground problems have hit a highway through the internet where there is no one requiring they behave and be nice to others.

I knew a girl like that in school she was always trying to be mature. We were like 10! In the school gift exchange I took a Princess Jasmine Barbie because all the other girls in class thought it was too childish.
I have to agree!! I'm going into Middle school this Tuesday, and it'll probably be the same experience as last year- kids teasing me and telling me how stupid and dumb they are, and how I should like Justin Bieber instead. :icon_razz1: And it hurts! I mean, come on! It's the thing that makes me and you happy , why shouldn't we be able to like it without people always gasping at how 'immature' we are or how stupid ponies are?!! :confused::scratch: Not cool, people. Not cool. :mad:
I know!! xD I'm going into 7th grade now and have decided just not to bring ponies around to school. I wear the mlp shirt I have but I try to wear it subtly. Most people have forgotten that I like ponies except for my close friends who have to put up with the ponies referances all day.

and so this isn't entirely off topic, it isn't any of those people's business what you like or do not like. Don't even respond to them, don't even give them the attention or drama they're looking for.
You're pretty much going to get that for as long as you collect, prolly. I'm 30 this year and most of my coworkers -just- found out that I like ponies. Some of them think it's neat, some of them think it's weird. None of them judge me on it, though. My mom doesn't mind it. My dad likes to tease me, but nothing overly major. He still accepts it. The only person who can't seem to shove off is my brother. He'll be 33 this year and he thinks I'm stupid and childish and that I need to grow up.....

Well.. what the heck does he know.. he doesn't have any imagination or sense of humor. He would prefer not to be related to us. He didn't even email any of us to see if we were ok after the hurricane. Yeah well... whatever.
Yeah I admited I collected them in a college course and the next day realized an ex-co worker was in the class..DOH
I was also teased during elementary and jr high for anything and everything. I loved The Lion King and had a huge collection. I was made fun of for this, and especially for wearing my favorite lion king shirts. :( In elementary school it was Tiny Toons. Although I collected MLP at the time too. But for whatever reason, I didn't take them to school with me.

As an adult, I haven't gotten any flack for collecting... yet anyway. I post pictures of my collection and share new additions on facebook all the time with family, friends and co-workers. But I think that any flack gotten online by others is a bit easier to shrug off. It's especially the case when you are secure and comfortable with yourself.

However, I'm also a cosplayer. That I find harder for people to accept (30 year old woman dressing up as cartoon and video game characters) than simply collecting toys. XD So with that, I tend to keep that apsect of my life secret.
I wouldn't let them bother you. They're younger than you and just feel insecure and need someone to pick on. You don't even know these people, so who cares what they think of you! Just remember that you have friends that love you for who you are and friends here on the TP that share your love of MLP!
So many comments! Aww, you guys are so sweet, thank you all!
I don't know what I would do without all of you! ♥

Thank you all so much for being there for me, and for all the kind words.
I appreciate it so much. I feel much better now, I really do.​
They are just being mean---I am 53 and I collect mlp--I wont tell my co-workers though--(they can be mean too!) There are lots of adults of all ages that collect dolls and no one seems to think they are strange!
That's sad. I'm a big MLP collector and I'm 14 and I think it's awesome you collect ponies. And, if you still don't want to use that website, try Webs. I made my pony site on it!
My dad used to complain about my ponies but since I now keep them all in my room he doesn't care. My mom even bought me some of the newer G4 ponies as a gift when I did well in my courses. Ponies are for people of all ages and even if it is just me but I think a shelf full of ponies make a room more comfy
Are you saying that the people who were mean were the mods? That's just sad. But I know how you feel. I once belonged to a game making forum where I submitted a game I made. It was a rather big site that was affiliated with the creator of Game Maker himself. When I submitted a game, the admins used their mod powers to edit the description I provided, removed what I wrote, and changed it to "a bunch of crap, dont bother downloadng". And they edited one of my posts on their forum to say "my ip is <insert ip here>! hack me!". And I did gather that a lot of these people were like 15 years old.... too young to be a mod at a site like that.

Never stop liking the things you like. And quite honestly, you shouldn't even hide them. If people are mean to you, TELL on them and make it clear to the bullies, to the teachers, your parents, to everyone that it needs to stop. be open about what you like. :)