At a collecting standstill

Just curious to know which pony you have missed. It's interesting!

Thinking about this topic has kind of brought about two other questions for collectors (especially long-term collectors) which I think I'll post soon.

It was a Daddy Bright Bouquet. I didn't have the rest of the set and he was a yard sale find with marker on him, so I thought it would be fine to let him go in a lot of my more loved ponies.

I do have a little consolation though.
He went to this nice woman with an adorable three year old.
She had found a few of her old ponies packed away and her daughter fell in love with them. So she answered an add I put out in my area.

Her daughter seeing my collection was priceless. (Boy did she like sea ponies.)
So I do know he is in a good place, fulfilling his original purpose and being enjoyed by a kid who is probably going to be into them for a long time too.

I have no idea why after I moved I missed him. It stopped me from selling any boy or baby brother ponies like I had planned. I even got a Tex hoping it would fix the gap. I'm probably going to end up getting another Daddy Bright Bouquet in the end though because I still think a bit about that darn pink boy covered in hearts.

And there's the end of my little thread jack. :wink:
I have the same problem too.
Plus, as I live in England, thrift stores/charity shops /never/ have any G1 stuff. D:
I have the same problem too.
Plus, as I live in England, thrift stores/charity shops /never/ have any G1 stuff. D:

I'm in England too, and I do have g1 luck, just keep trying, and get in there with the charity shop people, ask if they have any pony stuff, and sometimes they have it out the back!
Car boots turn up a lot, you just have to know when to have a good dig, found nurse tender heart just by seeing what else was on the stall, and realising the person selling was the right age to be clearing out ponies!
Summer is the best time to see what's about, I normally go to a big one by me, but now I've moved I need a new one!
Also found mummy berry town, baby lollipop and an anchors away, all for less that 50p each!
Some times I've walked away with nothing, but I go every weekend! Lol
It comes and goes for me. Sometimes i feel like I am over ponies and its time for me to "grow up" but then the feeling goes away and I will find something i want on ebay.
my biggest problem is I don't have any more room for more ponies. My one room apt isnt big enough for me, a dog, a chinchilla, a fish and 900+ ponies. There a alot on shelves but i have an equal amount in my closet.
I have lost the magic also. I can't stand the G3.5 on. I wasn't happy with the Core 7, but at least they looked like ponies. I have a collection of ~300 right now, and they take up an entire wall in my soon-to-be home office. I want to downsize a little, but I'm certainly not going to sell my entire collection. Collecting for me, though, has certainly run its course.
Honestly, if it wasn't for the new cartoon, I would HATE the G4 ponies. But I love the cartoon and their personalities are awsome.
I couldn't stand the G4s... until I learned a little about their creation. Knowing it was a MLP fancier from back in the day (just like me) who had her pony dreams come true through their creation gives them a lot more appeal. :)

But yes... I'm one of those folks with hundreds of MLPs. I've decided that once I find some time, I'll be going through them all and selling a lot of them. I'm not done with collecting, but I am done with collecting just for the sake of collecting. Now I'll only be going after those few ponies I'd always wanted when I was younger, but couldn't have. Being a "grown up" in your thirties does that to you. LOL It doesn't take you away from collecting, but it gives you some perspective on your collecting habits. You don't need to have them all (they aren't pokemon) you just need to have those that mean something to you. :)
Now I'll only be going after those few ponies I'd always wanted when I was younger, but couldn't have. Being a "grown up" in your thirties does that to you. LOL
Oh man, I am totally in the same boat with you! LOL I was mad about ponies as a kid, but I had so few. All my friends and cousins had way more and much cooler ponies and playsets than I. Like I always wanted a sea pony. Never even got to touch one. But now, I suddenly wake up one morning... "Hey! I'm an adult! I have a job! I can buy whatever I want! Those ponies are mine!" It make be a bit infantile, but it is so much fun.
Definitely not infantile to go after something that makes you happy. :) Besides, I decided that this was the year of ME. LOL It's all about personal joy, and well... MLPs make me happy. So you bet your butt that I'm going after those ones I've always wanted but couldn't have. And good on you for doing the same. :D
You know it's really kind of funny but a little sad. I'm going to tell you guys about when I first started collecting.. and then fast-forward to today. It'll be a boring story, but I'm telling you anyway.

When I got my first job and finally had my own money, I decided to see if there were any ponies on this Ebay I had been hearing so much about. There were tons! And I was introduced to hundreds of other ponies I didn't even know existed. I read up about other collectors, and was amazed to find out that some people had hundreds, even close to 1,000 ponies.

I started making wish lists and buying ponies, but I didn't think of myself as a collector. I thought of myself as just a buyer of ponies that I'd always wanted as a kid.

Eventually my wish list kept growing, but I told myself I'd only get ones I liked. I started liking more and more ponies... now here I am with 430 ponies, and wishing I had kept my promise to myself to only buy ones I liked, but it's true, I like all the ponies.

I just need to learn to like from a distance, I guess. Hehe.

I think ultimately I'll be happier with a smaller collection, but who knows, I may regret it down the road.

We're all ever-changing, so I guess you have to somehow magically strike a balance between keeping the present you happy and keeping your future self happy as well.
I think you nailed it on the head there. It's about balance... between your present self and future self. And obviously we all find joy with these silly little plastic horses or we wouldn't be here. So it's about indulging yourself, but doing so in a way that helps maintain that healthy balance. What each of us needs is going to be different, different from one another and different from what we need now vs. what we need tomorrow. :)
well, here's what worked for me, i know your situation is different, but it might be a good tactic for you since you don't have to worry about k,eeping track of current releases;

I got sick of the endless sorting and keeping track of all the ponies i have, this was back when i had around 1200. so what i did was, i packed up all my ponies so i didnt see them for awhile, and instead of collecting at a fast pace, I used the time to slowly save up money for bigger ticket pony items. that's how i got most of the nirvanas i have. that way, i was just focused on one item at a time. it really helps round out your collection, too, so it isn't as bottom heavy. that way, after a few months, you can have a couple pieces you're really proud of.
I don't know if I have a po lemon mentality for ponies... I do only collect the ones I like, and only variants/ nirvana I like too
I've never been bother about paying a lot of money for a pony that seems to me to be pretty messed up just because it's a nirvana, that side of collecting doesn't appeal to me like it does some people.

But the quality of a pony is something that is important in my buying, and it's not like that for everyone, which isn't a bad thing!

I'm not worried about having the rarest ponies, or whatever, for example I don't like rupunzle! Lol
I'm move about mib, they look great like that, but not moc, as I don't like them in the bubbles!

Defiantly my collecting comes from not having many as a kid, and my baby sitters daughter having 100's of ponies! They looked so amazon ing all on shelves!