Anyone want fact file scans?

OH! This is so cool! Thank you guys for doing this! I will happily gobble up any of them you post!

Oh, and.. I don't see why it would be a problem with making copies, as long as you don't try to sell them. Hasbro isn't making any more money off this item, so you're not taking away from their profits. :)

It's so much fun to see the stories! Almost as much fun as having everyone's back cards! I love how they messed up and made Honeycomb a unicorn!
Wow, these are great! I never even knew these existed. Thanks for posting scans! I'd really like to see the ones for the flutter ponies, particularly Rosedust, Morning Glory and Lily.
Wow! Thanks for the scans! I've always been curious to see what's in the fact files. :)
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Awe - :bighug:
It's so sweet of you to do all that work so everyone can see the files.
Ee! I love these. :) They're all so neat!

If anyone wants one of the damaged/doodled cards fixed, scanners included doubly, I'd be more than happy to fix them up. :D
Ee! I love these. :) They're all so neat!

If anyone wants one of the damaged/doodled cards fixed, scanners included doubly, I'd be more than happy to fix them up. :D
That'd be awesome, Emberly. I was hoping someone would be good at that sort of thing. Let's see if anyone wants a particular pony looking like herself again. ;)

Btw, wasn't there an Emberly on the old C03 who played Baby Princess Pink Sunsparkle (among others)?
These are just so awesome! I love looking at them and reading their cute stories! Thank you so much for sharing all of them with us! :mrgreen:
Btw, wasn't there an Emberly on the old C03 who played Baby Princess Pink Sunsparkle (among others)?

That's me. ^^; Baby Princess Pink Sunsparkle, Cheif, a custom pony of mine, and I had taken Calliope when that story arch went up. And I switched ponies a lot... had a winger once I think... Yep. :p It's been a looong time though!

I was working on Ice Crystal the other morning, for no real reason, but we had a power outage. Boo! I din't save. :p
Oh wow, these are fantastic! Thanks for sharing. If you have them available, I'd love to see the one for Wind Whistler and Sundance.
Emberly - Awesome! I knew I recognized you! I think you were already gone when I started rping there, but I read some of the old threads you were in. Also, I think you made a comeback at some point or something. (I was WingSong there, btw.) Bummer that your comp shut down though! Ice Crystal is one of the saddest cards to see ruined, since he's so gorgeous.

New scans:

Lickety Split


Dibbles and Nibbles

Baby Applejack


Wind Whistler

I'll work on some Princess Ponies next, but I'm pretty much caught up now. Any other requests?
OMG, look the cuteness of baby AJ!
And those bios of the flutters are so sweet too :)
Thanks again!