Anyone else have this g4 blanket?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 15, 2012
Hello all! Been doing some searching across the TP here and everywhere, trying to look for a G4 Pinkie Pie throw blanket I bought about a year ago!
I am in Australia, and it is official merchandise (has mlp logo with trademark (TM) and copyright(C) and is licensed to sell at Aldi)

I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about it? Or has one too?

Here's a photo of mine:


Sorry for the bad photo, still getting the hang of my camera!
Unfortunately i dont know about it, but where did you buy it from?
Im in Aus too, and itd be interesting to know if Aussie stores stocked cool merchandise, even if it was a while ago...
I bought it from Aldi, the food/everything store :) It was a while ago and they all sold within a few days! :surprisepony:
Wish I was able to get more for everyone, but I couldn't even get another!
We have Aldi's here in the US...I'll have to go check my local Aldi's. ;a; Although if you got yours a year ago, I doubt they have any by now. xD
Oh okay, we dont have that in WA. :<
Thanks for the info, anyway! :D
I've seen FiM blankets, but not that one (I'm in the US). It's really cute!