Adventure Cards Finally OPEN!

After Unalaska we have Ebba.

Pony's Name: Ebba

Pony's Set: Baby Fishing Pony

Descrip: Despite being a baby pony Ebb is brave and full of adventure. Soft-hearted she always looks out for her fellow crew.



:reaper: Kat :reaper:
AWWWW YAY Ebba looks so cute! I will get another one lined up for you! LOL!
Pony's Name: Glacier

Pony's Set: TAF Fishing Pony

Descrip: Glacier left being a Harbor Master to fish instead. She has mysterious powers that keeps her boat and her fellow crew safe.


May I have one of Wavedancer please?

Pony's Name: Wavedancer
Pony's Set: Singing Sea Pony
Pony's Description: Wavedancer loves to splash, play and sing in water. She is always ready to help others.
Bony's Picture:


Wavedancer drawn by CC.

Glacier looks gorgeous as always! I'll have to get another one up and!
these are really cool. i'd love one of my new persona if that's ok.

Pony's Name: Neon Crystal
Pony's Set: Neon Forest Unicorn
Pony's Description:

Neon Crystal has been chosen to go
out in search of the Neon Rose,
A magic flower that once covered
the ground of her Forest home.

Pony's Picture:
May I have one of Wavedancer please?

Pony's Name: Wavedancer
Pony's Set: Singing Sea Pony
Pony's Description: Wavedancer loves to splash, play and sing in water. She is always ready to help others.
Bony's Picture:



these are really cool. i'd love one of my new persona if that's ok.

Pony's Name: Neon Crystal
Pony's Set: Neon Forest Unicorn
Pony's Description:

Neon Crystal has been chosen to go
out in search of the Neon Rose,
A magic flower that once covered
the ground of her Forest home.

Pony's Picture:


:reaper: Kat :reaper:
Pony's Name: Hearts Desire

Pony's Set: (if you don't know you get stuck with what i make up) Draco-Peg

Pony's Description: (maximum is 4 lines. if it's too much i'mm cut it down myself) Strong Willed, Head Strong, and Adventurous. Is loving and a friend to all.

Bony's Picture: (this is where you give me the picture tp use. whether it's one you drew yourself or one someone else drew you. however, if i've drawn you one previously just say that and what it is and i'll find it. if not you must give me a link)
made by SparkleShade on the Arena (the words can be taken off the pic if need be).
Pony's Name: Nixie

Pony's Set: Fishing Captain Alicorn

Pony's Descrip.
Captain of the fishing Vessel "Mermaid's Dance". Her boat and crew are her family since she is estranged from her own.

Pony's picture:

Pony's Name: Nixie

Pony's Set: Fishing Captain Alicorn

Pony's Descrip. Captain of the fishing Vessel "Mermaid's Dance". Her boat and crew are her family since she is estranged from her own.

Pony's picture:

was wondering when you'd get back to bothering me :lol:


Pony's Name: Hearts Desire

Pony's Set: (if you don't know you get stuck with what i make up) Draco-Peg

Pony's Description: (maximum is 4 lines. if it's too much i'mm cut it down myself) Strong Willed, Head Strong, and Adventurous. Is loving and a friend to all.

Bony's Picture: (this is where you give me the picture tp use. whether it's one you drew yourself or one someone else drew you. however, if i've drawn you one previously just say that and what it is and i'll find it. if not you must give me a link) made by SparkleShade on the Arena (the words can be taken off the pic if need be).

Awww! Nixie is GORGEOUS, and yes...I'm Baaccckkkk! LOL!

Nex up.

Pony's Name: Maelstrom

Set: Fishing Captain Pony

Maelstrom is the Captain of the "Breaking Dawn". Much like other Captains he's tough, but unlike most he happens to be more shy, quiet and soft-spoken.


Pony's Name: Triquetra Moon

Pony's Set: (if you don't know you get stuck with what i make up) Uni-Peg

Pony's Description: (maximum is 4 lines. if it's too much i'mm cut it down myself) is kind, gentle, and loving. Is bond by the Wiccan Rede.

Bony's Picture: (this is where you give me the picture tp use. whether it's one you drew yourself or one someone else drew you. however, if i've drawn you one previously just say that and what it is and i'll find it. if not you must give me a link)
you can remove her name if need be.

Also I love Hearts Desire's card thank you so much.
Awww! Nixie is GORGEOUS, and yes...I'm Baaccckkkk! LOL!

Nex up.

Pony's Name: Maelstrom

Set: Fishing Captain Pony

Descrip: Maelstrom is the Captain of the "Breaking Dawn". Much like other Captains he's tough, but unlike most he happens to be more shy, quiet and soft-spoken.



Pony's Name: Triquetra Moon

Pony's Set: (if you don't know you get stuck with what i make up) Uni-Peg

Pony's Description: (maximum is 4 lines. if it's too much i'mm cut it down myself) is kind, gentle, and loving. Is bond by the Wiccan Rede.

Bony's Picture: (this is where you give me the picture tp use. whether it's one you drew yourself or one someone else drew you. however, if i've drawn you one previously just say that and what it is and i'll find it. if not you must give me a link)you can remove her name if need be.

Also I love Hearts Desire's card thank you so much.

Awwww thanks sweetie! ~Calls to her herd~ NEXTTTT! LMAO!

Name: Marin

Set: Bering Sea Captain Fishing Pony

Marin is Captain of the "Inga's Four Winds". She has tragedy in her past, constantly haunted by her sister whom she lost at sea when they were both working as Deckhands.


Awwww thanks sweetie! ~Calls to her herd~ NEXTTTT! LMAO!

Name: Marin

Set: Bering Sea Captain Fishing Pony

Descrip: Marin is Captain of the "Inga's Four Winds". She has tragedy in her past, constantly haunted by her sister whom she lost at sea when they were both working as Deckhands.



took me a bunch of tries to fit t he text. i hope it's ok the way i cut it-if not let me know hun
:reaper: Kat :reaper:
Awww no WAY! It looks PERFECT to me sweetie! LOVE IT! ~Hugs and trundles off to find the next~ These are so awesome!
Ok let's see. Next up.

Pony's Name: Bandit

Set: Captain Fishing Pony

Bandit is infamous for being one of the craziest, rowdiest Captains in the fleet. When onshore she is constantly carousing, drinking, dancing and playing pranks.

