A surprise gift art for babylilac


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Aug 19, 2008
I really wanted to thank baby lilac for all that's she's done for me, the pony artworks, the arctic fox drawing, everything that she's done for me. Since I had the time to do it, I decided to do one of Jewel, Baby lilac's persona. I also done a little word thingy at the bottom right. It's quite short but at least it was it was good for me. I called the drawing " A flawless jewel" for some reason, but I don't know why. :091:


Hope you enjoy this baby lilac and a merry christmas to all! :xmastree:
:) I'm so happy!!! but...i can't see the pic! *cries* and i went away for christmas and i'm sorry this is just so late and for bringing this post to the top again!! (sorry SS if it's a problem...) But thank you so much Butterpony!!!!
Hmm, lemme see if the picture is still in photobucket...

Edit: Found it! It was in a wrong album.


Hope you like it! ^.^
ohhhhhhhh my gossssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I.love.it.so.much.


I'm good! ^.^ sorry. I'm so ecstatic!! it's so prettyyyyy!! What did you do it on? photoshop? :) cuz it's soooooooo good!!! awww i'm so happy i got to see the picture! *blush*