.::A surprise for cannibalcow::.


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Dec 15, 2008
I saw this in the linearts for members, and thought of cannibalcow, of course. So I decided I'd color it and give it to her as a little surprise. The lineart was donated to the gallery by babyblueducky. I traced over it to make the lines crisper, and colored it. So anyway, here it is ^.^

oooooooooooh :D thank you BB *hugs* it's beautifully coloured <3 i wonder why spike is so sad though :p thanks so much, i'll make it my new desktop :D

Aww you're welcome luff ^.^ I thought you'd like it - silly CJ juggling and all. Perhaps Spike thinks she'll drop them so he's worried. Or maybe he was juggling first, and he's sad that she took his balls away.

Anywho, I'm glad you like it! <3

Wow! Another great piece of artwork, blackestbird.


Thank you hun <3
Gorgeous - You do such lovely work :D
This picture makes me think of my two year old taking toys away from his baby brother lol but it is very nice artwork though!
that is such lovely job you did on it. wow. i cant believe that use to be a coloring book page. its too nice. you did a fantastic job. any other linearts in the gallery you want to play with?