G4 A little question about nightmare moon...


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 4, 2020
Hi everypony! I hope you're all having an amazing day, evening or night! Wherever you are!

I have yet another question to ask for the blind bag/mini pony collectors...
I've had this little nightmare moon figure in my collection for a while now. The image provided isn't of my own nightmare moon because the camera on my device is a tad dodgy. I got it off google images but mine is pretty much identical.

I've found an ebay listing for the exact same one and the seller wants £50 for her! They even added a cheeky little £1.95 for good measure :lolpony:

Is she legit that rare? I honestly don't believe it but I haven't really dug around enough to really know.I've not really seen her anywhere else.
If she's that desirable, how much is she actually worth? Is it possible for this mini figure to hold large value? :blink:

Personally, I find £50 to be an insane amount, especially considering since the rare G4 brushables come to like £30/£40 max (not counting prototypes or factory errors) bbbuuuuuutttttt...a little cash wouldn't hurt in my pocket either,haha.

Here's the link if you want to check her out:

Thank you so much for reading!

P.S The icons on here are so adorable!! I love them! :flutter2:

UPDATE: I've gone onto the seller's other items and they're selling what looks like a fake princess lune for £40. I can't tell if they don't know she's fake or if they're actual scammers. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they're not collectors and are just selling some of their child's old toys. Should I maybe contact them? I don't want to seem rude but they're selling her under the brand name of Hasbro which they really shouldn't do if she's a fake. :cry:With ponies that don't look fake, I always check the brand to make sure. If they're unbranded, I tend to stay away...

Here's her link if you're interested:

I don't want to harm anyone or point fingers or start a witch hunt. This is such a lovely server...I just wanted to point this out, I guess:blink:...and I want to know if I should maybe message them?


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Hmm... is this the same one: https://data.mlpmerch.com/other-figures/details/ofegmgnmm/ ?

If so, I looked around on eBay and it looks like this Luna figurine might be a rarer one since it was a magazine exclusive. From what I saw $25 is the more common asking price though. I also see someone selling it for ~11 right now, but the shipping is ~30, so it's not really an $11 figurine at that point, haha. Either way I think based on other listings, your seller's listing is a bit high.

I can't weigh in on whether or not you should message the seller about the fakie, I don't have any experience with that sort of thing, but I hope that helps!
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Hmm... is this the same one: https://data.mlpmerch.com/other-figures/details/ofegmgnmm/ ?

If so, I looked around on eBay and it looks like this Luna figurine might be a rarer one since it was a magazine exclusive. From what I saw $25 is the more common asking price though. I also see someone selling it for ~11 right now, but the shipping is ~30, so it's not really an $11 figurine at that point, haha. Either way I think based on other listings, your seller's listing is a bit high.

I can't weigh in on whether or not you should message the seller about the fakie, I don't have any experience with that sort of thing, but I hope that helps!
Hi, Sorry for my late reply! I had a lot of things going on with exams and what not. Thank you so much for your answer...that's strange how a magazine figure is so rare...it's actually pretty cool, haha. She's gorgeous and yeah, I never ended up messaging the seller because I didn't want to come off as rude something. I love your profile pic and little pony at the bottom of your message! So cute :tongue:
Hi, Sorry for my late reply! I had a lot of things going on with exams and what not. Thank you so much for your answer...that's strange how a magazine figure is so rare...it's actually pretty cool, haha. She's gorgeous and yeah, I never ended up messaging the seller because I didn't want to come off as rude something. I love your profile pic and little pony at the bottom of your message! So cute :tongue:
Thank you! <3 I also just finished being swamped with exams, so I can relate!