@_@ Wheeeeeee! Graduation Prezzie!


Hamster Dancer
Dec 12, 2005
My boyfriend started this little escapade by telling me he had an early graduation present for me, but that he wouldn't tell me or show me what it was. So naturally, it drove me nuts. He would drop hints, saying that it was pony-related and that I had never seen these at Walmart. He also kept asking me weird questions about pony poses and colorations.
After a week of playing the "I know something you don't know" game I finally had to tackle him and threaten him with everything under the sky to get him to spill the beans.
He spilled them.
I fell over.


Four of the very first mold-tester G3 pony prototypes from a certain company that begins with "H" and ends in "O"s factory. These little babies were the first ponies to be shucked out of the molds and a couple still have grains of the mold lubricant ingrained in their plastic from the adjustment test run (which is why 2 of their flanks look dirty).

He has a friend that works for a certain company that begins with "H" and ends in "O" and quality-checks the products by comparing prototypes with projected color expectations and recommending changes in the mix if they are off. So for my graduation, he talked the guy into sharing a few MLP prototypes that he was done checking which would have otherwise gone into the company's prototype room and been stored away from prying eyes, unloved and unappreciated.

My boyfriend = Awesome. <3 <3 <3 <3
More pictures to come Friday!
Can anyone help me identify who might these girls be the older sisters of? :D :shock:
OH MY GOODNESS! OMG! When I saw those pics I almost fell to the floor. You are like.. the luckiest collector there is. Not kidding. I wish I had a boyfriend that was that generous! Omg. Okay. I have to go lay down or something before I pass out.

Now THAT is truly unique, and you may well be the only collector who can boast that. You do have an awesome boyfriend, congrats that's just AMAZING.
Oh well done! Thats just a crazy thing to have and an insurence for the future too, the gift that keeps on giving a?
WOW!! you are luckier than lucky leaf :D . I am soooooo jealous...runs up to house and steals pony molds.

He he.
Wow. And to think, those little babies would be stuck in a cold, dark room by now if it wasn't for you! Total congrats, Im sure they're a first in the pony community. =)
WOW! Though you have to name them something...they kind of look like zombies...waiting for something (like hair and paint).
Woooooo! I like zombies..

I had a dream about ponies like that... 0.o
Wow! What a great and incredibly unique gift! You're so lucky to be dating someone so thoughtful!

And congrats on the graduating!

Holy cow thats amazing. Your guy is so sweet. Now that is something to brag about. :shock:
Now those are gems for your collection! You are very lucky to have a bf like that! Happy Graduation by the way ^-^
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I've been so busy with finals I haven't had time to take more pictures of them. They are niftier closer up than the picture shows them to be, and seeing them makes me wonder about the molding process.
They really DO look like zombie ponies.

Sorry ^^; Couldn't resist.

Wah, how fun!! I think that dark purple one in the back is a prototype Round 'n' Round! So cool!! Ponies look so different without hair...and eyes...and symbols...man! That is a crazy-cool gift! Congratulations!