2024 Total Solar Eclipse


Applejack Aficionado
MLPTP Supporter
Dec 23, 2014
Today over a large portion of North America is a total solar eclipse. Learn more about the eclipse.


Yes pony friends it’s time for Luna/Nightmare moon to shine! So grab your moon pies!

You can check out the path and follow along on NASA’s Eclipse Explorer

If you were not able to grab a pair of solar eclipse glasses you can make your own pinhole projector too! Pinhole Projector

And don’t forget to view the eclipse safely! Please don’t stare at it directly! Viewing Safety Tips

Share your pictures below! :orangeheart:
My family and I are in the path of totality this year! We've really been looking forward to this!! I can't wait to see everyone's pictures!! :redheart:
I completely forgot about it! Luckily my dear friend spring song is with me today :smile:
I'm very excited!
We're not getting a good view and I'm not feeling too snazzy. But I hope you guys enjoy your viewing.
We're in the path of totality but a thunderstorm is supposed to roll in by the time the eclipse occurs. I'm hoping I can still get a few glimpses through the clouds at the time of the peak. (We have welding hoods to view through.)
Parts of the UK are supposed to get some of the eclipse but not at all where I am. Enjoy the experience, those who will see it!

Also, is that a blanket or a cardigan or jumper of some sort? I love the design

Sadly my pictures are a little off, but I'm in one of the states For heavy viewing. It got so dark! It was super cool.

Also, not just Nightmare Moon my friend texted me asking if I was ready for the Fire Nation invasion. :tongue:
I live right in one of the best places to see it and it was really nice out, so we were able to sit on the back deck and watch. Unfortunately my pictures came out terrible lol, I took this pic during totality and you can’t even tell it’s an eclipse! And the second one I took through the glasses

My pup Fiona enjoyed the time outside with us though ^_^

@Flitter your pic is perfect :rofl:
did not get to view it, i live far from the path of totality and plus i had work during it anyways :confused: i did notice the horizon get slightly darker but that was essentially it. here we had about 40% coverage of the sun!

the next one in 2044 is supposed to end its path right over where i currently live... maybe then if i have the means to i can catch it! i'll be 43...
did not get to view it, i live far from the path of totality and plus i had work during it anyways :confused: i did notice the horizon get slightly darker but that was essentially it. here we had about 40% coverage of the sun!

the next one in 2044 is supposed to end its path right over where i currently live... maybe then if i have the means to i can catch it! i'll be 43...
Trust me, at the age of 43 you’ll appreciate it even more I bet.
So glad that some of us were able to see it and hope that the next one even more of us can see it. :orangeheart:
I'm too far away, but I have seen some photos and videos on Instagram. A total eclipse looks so great, even on video. I hope I can see one someday.