2 Questions about Mexican baby ponies. Help!


Baby Stargaze

Helllo =)

I have two questions regarding mexican baby ponies.

first question --

did both Aukiran and Lily Ledy make baby ponies?
(i ask because I won baby CC made iby aukiran a few weeks ago, and just won another baby CC last night that the seller says was made by lily ledy. They look exactly the same.

an aukiran one: (from an eBay auction)

the supposed lili ledy one: (that i just won)

second question --

Do ALL the baby ponies from mexico have long hair? Because I have seen quite a few baby cotton candy's and baby blossoms up on ebay these days, and only the occasional few have the long hair. Could they have all been cut?




My Surprise has very long hair, but is unmarked on her feet.

I imagine both those baby CC's are made by the same company, the seller must have just heard of different companies, i dont think theres a way to tell like with the adults.
Both my Mexican babies have super outrageous long hair, and I do remember many that my cousins had when we were little (we're from Mexico) and they all had outrageously long hair. My Mexican baby CC looks exactly like your second one, neither of my babies have anything on their feet.
I should get around to taking new pictures of them.
that's correct

That's correct. Lil Leddy did NOT make baby ponies--only the original set. All mexican baby ponies are made by Auriken. As far as the hair matters--I am unsure.
my quackers has "normal" length hair but the others ive seen for auction have longer hair, however mine doesnt look cut :shock:
I just wanted to point out that the two babies are NOT identical, look close at their eye paint.
ABrownCrayon said:
I just wanted to point out that the two babies are NOT identical, look close at their eye paint.

One has a big rub of the black paint, one doesnt...?
lol, I meant the way it's painted. I can't think of the name for it, but the color stripe? it's placed differently on the second pony. there's a large gap of black below the color on the second, while the first is on the bottom of the eye like nearly every other pony.
To me they look the same just the rub distorts the proportions because you cant see the black rubbed away, but thats just me hehe