12 Days of Pony Christmas!

Got mine up.
Sorry, retail world is working me hard right now. :-(
I found an image for eight unicorns a winking

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Can I have the 12th spot? :] I just have to come up with a lyric and take a picture, right? I can do that!!!!

Edit: Here's mine! I used all of my birthstone G3s! :]



On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Twelve Tiaras Twinkling
Eleven Fakies Flying
Ten Bait Ponies Bathing
Nine Dancing Ponies
Eight Unicorns a-Winking
Seven Dancing Divas
Six Boys a-Decorating
Five Golden Tails!
Four Buried Ponies

Three Curly Locks
Two Pegasai

and a Stockings Baby in a Christmas tree!

Merry Christmas, everyone!
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Aw man, I was doing dancing too! I had the alliteration and everything! Oh well, it's a happy Christmas song full of lots and lots of DANCING!
oopse :lol: very funny though beth ^^

only need #12 to be posted! then i can record Gracie singing it and i'll animate it!

:reaper: Kat :reaper:

Sorry for being so late!! I had a lot of presents to wrap today. :] I will be taking the picture soon and posting it!!! Sorry for the delay!!! :coolsnow:
Done done done! :] Merry Christmas!!!
Wow! You guys did a fantastic job on this. Thanks so much to you all for contributing to this *hugs* and thanks LLB for doing the extra work that I can't wait to see/hear!
YAY! i got it in just under the wire!!!! You have to view it on dA I'm afraid but it's so awesome!! Gotta love my sister!

The TP's 12 Days of Christmas by ~KPenDragon on deviantART

PS: I know 1 segment is off but I don't have the time to fix it and then readjust all the segments after it atm-i'm going to bed now. So happy holiday everyone ^^

:reaper: Kat :reaper:
LLB, that was so great! I loved it <3 Thanks so much for doing that. You made this game so much better and thanks to Gracie too!

Again- thank you to everyone! Have a Merry Christmas!
:lol: I love how she almost said 'fiv-eth'

That was cute :D
That was wonderful! I loved the part where she was singing, "five golden...oh FIIIIIVE GOLDEN TAILLLLLS!" It was so funny, and so cute! Thanks guys!
That was great! Your sister did much better than I could have done and it was very cute.

Thanks again.