1000 Ponies Sold Contest! - Prizes have been mailed!

I guessing Ribbon....
Hmmm....I'll say North Star
I know I've probably had more of Northstar, Wind Whistler and Truly so I'm going to guess you've sold more of Wind Whistler.
I guess Yum Yum
5th question

TE Partytime
Guess 5 I'll go with Baby Celebrate
Well, I have a 20% chance of getting it right. I'll say: Party Time
Hmmm....Let's see here. I will guess: Princess Primrose. She seems to be most people's first princess pony. lol
My first Princess was Princess Sparkle. So I will guess her.
I fully regret selling her at a garage sale, many years ago!!

I´m going to say Misty, since that was one of your childhood ponies....:krakrani:
I'll guess Princess Royal Blue
I will guess 6
I'll go with lucky number 5