Ponyland Gossip-- Prizes Shipped!

The next quote up, and I'm getting closer to the end of this, so keep the guesses coming, is:

Who said, "Let the parade of costumes begin!"?

Answer: Megan
Anser: Megan
Yeppidydoo, that one was Megan for sure.

Here's your next challenge:

Who said, "I have to remember not to mention Grundle land again."?
answer: the poor grundle king:)

Answer: The King of the Grundles
That's right, I'm surprised all of you remembered that one, I had to watch it to get the quote! The King of the Grundles said that!
Now, I'm going to be out in the field for work tomorrow, so I won't be around much. Also, ONLY 2 MORE QUOTES and I'll announce the winners of the prizes!

Thanks so much for playing!

Here's the second to last quote:

Who said, "I've always been clumsy." ?
sorry, look down lol
anwer: Sundance! :)