Yay for handsome Boy Ponies!!


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Sep 14, 2007
I got a package today!! :hugegrin:


He hasn't had a bath yet (as you can see - a bit of a grub). But a turn up for the books - he is actually in better condition than I thought from his ad... His hair looks frizzy but it's just curl gone wrong and will look nearly perfect after a bath! And what I thought was highlighter on his feet looks far more removable...
Now to just track down his hat...

I love my boy ponies. :love: Only three to go now before I have to move on to expensive Mountain Boys!
He is a handsome boy. Congrats! I hope he cleans up better than anticipated. It's always nice to be positively surprised by a pony's condition. :hugegrin:
He's in nice shape. You're lucky, you got one with a very nice overall colour. he has a tendency to get more of an offcolour brown shade and splotchy.
Yay for Barncle!! I was lucky enough to find one with his hat (no bandana though) and he's definatly one of my fav's of the boys, though I love all the boys so it's hard to pick a fav! He gorgeous, you got a nice one!
Congratulations on adding this great boy to your collection! He is very handsome indeed! :)
He is very handsome! I know what you mean about loving the boy ponies. I only have one boy, and he is dingy and has a hair cut, but I don't car because he is my precious boy. :)