"worship": a pressie for my worship director (xpos



so i am on the worship team at my church, and our senior pastor and worship director (who are married) are leaving the church after this weekend...its been a very sad time for so many of us in our church, and i am especially close to my worship director...she is like a mom, a friend, a mentor, etc...all rolled into one. anyhoo...i wanted to make her a custom so she wouldnt forget me :biggrin: so this pony, "worship" is made to represent me...

special thanks to oona for dehairing a frilly frocks for me for the bait...she was rehaired with dollyhair custom blend of sugarberry and satsuma (cuz i LOVE orange and hot pink)...the hair is styled into pigtails cuz thats how i wear my hair most of the time...the symbol is a mini replica of a painting i did for our church's last art show, and sue said she thought it was her fave piece of artwork i've ever done, so i thought it would be appropriate for the symbol...its based off of chris tomlin's song "holy is the lord"...its a bunch of hands raised in worship...then i added some music notes on the front leg cuz i am also a musician. the eyes are blue like mine, with heavy eyeliner and pink shadow like i wear...then she wears a hemp necklace cuz i never take mine off...and on the opposite side is "isaiah 42:16" which is my life verse in the bible.

anyways, i'm so proud of her, and cant wait to give her to sue on thurs nite :)

comments and constructive critcism always welcome :biggrin:







That custom is ADORABLE!!! I'm not of the Christian faith (or is it Catholic?), but she has an absolute joy about her that is very heartwarming. I can only imagine how thrilled your friend will be when you give it to her. Really well done! The hair is rockin', too... I love bright ponies :).
thank you. i am christian - not catholic...i belong to an evangelical-free church.

i love the hair color too...i want it for my own hair :p

I think she will love it! The hands are very fitting for the verse. NICELY DONE!!!
I love it!! I absolutely love color, and the musical notes up the front leg are a great touch. Great paint job, and vibrant, solid, spunky design! How neat! I'm sure she'll love it.. let us know how she responds!
I love it! The hair is too cute. Also, I always think of people raising their hands when they worship, so I think the symbol is perfect.
Luv her, and I'm sure she will love her..

BTW I love that song.. :)
