$ Price Check $ What pony is this and what’s it worth?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 9, 2023
Help! Trying to figure out what my pony toothbrush set is. It’s between and 84 and 86 but not sure the year. I’ve kept it in mint condition. Plz help. Included is a pic.
Whooooa! That's amazing! I've never seen a My Little Pony toothbrush set! Here's what I found on My Little Wiki. They only have one with Cotton Candy. If you felt like it, you could send in a pic of yours for the site. It's definitely Lemon Drop, like feelysonheelys said. As far as price goes, it's hard to say how the market will price it. It's clearly quite rare, since there's no recent sold listings for it on eBay and it's not on the wiki. Maybe 60-120 dollars? As a very very VERY rough estimate. You could easily get more or less. You could always throw it up for auction and see what you fetch. It's just hard to tell since it's such a rare piece of merch, not too much to go off of. Great job keeping it in such good shape and best of luck getting a good price for it! :smile:

Whooooa! That's amazing! I've never seen a My Little Pony toothbrush set! Here's what I found on My Little Wiki. They only have one with Cotton Candy. If you felt like it, you could send in a pic of yours for the site. It's definitely Lemon Drop, like feelysonheelys said. As far as price goes, it's hard to say how the market will price it. It's clearly quite rare, since there's no recent sold listings for it on eBay and it's not on the wiki. Maybe 60-120 dollars? As a very very VERY rough estimate. You could easily get more or less. You could always throw it up for auction and see what you fetch. It's just hard to tell since it's such a rare piece of merch, not too much to go off of. Great job keeping it in such good shape and best of luck getting a good price for it! :smile:

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I’m really bad at computer stuff. Where could I auction it? I saw one site but you have to pay to add it. Also where would I send a photo. I’ve searched for it and you and the other person to comment are the most info I’ve gotten. Thank you for answering my qestion.
I’m really bad at computer stuff. Where could I auction it? I saw one site but you have to pay to add it. Also where would I send a photo. I’ve searched for it and you and the other person to comment are the most info I’ve gotten. Thank you for answering my question.
Of course! eBay would probably be the most popular way. It's free to list it, but they will take a percentage cut of the profits when it sells. Then you'd have to ship it out to the highest bidder. If you'd rather sell it for a flat rate, you could do that as well. All you have to do is make an account and put in your bank details for them to send in the payment. Then you make a listing for it and set it for auction. Most are 6-10 days.

If you're on Facebook, you could try putting it for sale for local pickup on Facebook Marketplace or OfferUp (another site) . The pro for that is that you can do local pickup, but the con is that there is a smaller pool of customers and there is not an option for auctions. I've sold both ways with some success.

Best of luck to you, feel free to reach out if you have trouble!
Wow! That is an amazing piece of merch! And it looks to be in such good condition, too! Unfortunately, I have no idea what a piece like this might be worth, but I'm sure other collectors here would have good ideas on prices.

Alternatively to sites like eBay, you could always sell this item here on the MLPTP. People here are very friendly and would give you a fair price for your merch.
I've seen a few of these pop up for sale over the years, usually on ebay. They don't come up very often, if I had to venture any sort of guess I'd maybe say 60.-100. I know that's a broad range but I seem to recall seeing it go for maybe around 80. if memory serves but the pony market can be fickle. eBay is probably the most popular auction site to list it but you can always run an auction here too and we have no fees ;) https://www.mlptp.net/index.php?forums/mlptp-auction-house.87/