watercolor pony art






Sorry for the crappy photos...but you get the idea! I was having fun with watercolors!
None sold at the VA meet so they are looking for homes.
Super cute, nice coloring (i usualy dont like water color, but those turns out cute... i love your Pumpkin Tart ^^ )
Oh WOW!! Those are incrediable! The gusty one is just, wow.​
I am moderately jeaous. LOL:tonguew:
They are very lovely! * I want one*
Wow, I love Baby Firefly!
I'm surprised none of them sold for you, they're wonderful, especially the cute Firefly! :biggrins:
I love the Halloweens but they are all beautiful!
Oooh, if I had the money I would totally buy that Baby Firefly one... it would go so well in my art room...

I need canvas. *whips out brushes and looks determined*
I think they're all beautiful but that Gusty took my breath away. I was like, wow totally captured him. (i've always seen gusty as a boy) Looks fantastic it does. I can't believe it's water color, how do you do it? Water color is so unruly, what kind of paper did you use it on? Or was that canvas?
Nice! I love 'em all, especially Baby Firefly! They're all super cute!
OMG, whippet! That Baby Firefly one is to DIE for! She's looking for a home, you say?
I need my water paints! *grabs water paints ,brushes and artshirt* Where did I leave my canvas?