Update on shiny pony project


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 11, 2010
So the metallic paint I tried using made the pony sticky. Sigh. It was supposedly safe to use on plastic! As a bonus, it didn't come off with any kind of paint thinner.

The metallic wax seems okay. I've got a test fakie pony sitting on top of my computer and will wait a few weeks to see if there's a reaction before proceeding. So far so good. The wax makes the pony look like pewter, but it's much more challenging to apply evenly without metallic paint underneath it to help hide the flaws.

On the bright side, I found a half dozen G2/G3 bait ponies at a thrift. Some kid had customized them with pink nail polish, LOL. The nail polish comes off with nail polish remover, but the plastic underneath is stained. I believe if I seal them thoroughly first and then paint over the sealer (probably use acrylic sealer) it should be okay.
Keep at it! I'm curious what the wax looks like! I wonder if using 'goof off' would help remove the old metallic paint? Though, if paint thinner isn't working I'm not so sure... :S