"Topaz" a flocked pony of a different kind...


Greek Pony Collector
MLPTP Supporter
Jun 7, 2005
This pony was a bit of an experiment for me. I wanted to see what it would be like to use colored flocking. The bait was covered in pen marks, so I thought black flocking would be perfect as it would cover everything. I did dye her black beforehand, anticipating that it would help cover any imperfections in the flocking. She's certainly not perfect, but I learned a few things and think I would be comfortable trying colored flocking again. I can recommend that if you try this, be sure to use a completely separate bottle of mod podge as the black flocking got all over the place, including inside of the glue. She was also extremely hard to photograph, and I think she looks much better in person than she does in the photos.

Topaz will be for sale at the MLP Fair :)

Oooh! She turned out well!! The black is a perfect fit!!
Awww! Black flocking looks really nice! Lookin' so pretty, how excellent..I adore..
She is beautiful! If she doesn't sell at the Fair.....
OMG! I must have that custom! Nice work she's really pretty.
If she looks better in person than in the pic, she must be absolutely stunning. I love that black flocking!!! Whoever buys her at the fair has to leave her on your table for display, don't you think? :)
Oh. My Gosh. This is stunning. That blue is my favorite color and paired with black, the whole pony just pops. WANT. She's beautiful. Great job! Experimenting totally pays off. XD