"The Tool"'s needle size?


Easily Amused Pony
Dec 13, 2005
Hey guys :) Just a quick question.

What size needle is used on LDD's re-rooting tool? I'm thinking of converting mine into a tool for rooting a doll...I found a site that recommends a size 7 embroidery needle. But, if the tool by chance already has that size needle...then I won't have to do anything :D

I realize LDD included instructions on how to go about finding a replacement, but I seem to have lost the sheet D: So, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time! :)
I thought she said she had the instructions on her site... hang on.

Is this what you're looking for? Maybe it's a different sheet you're speaking of.
Kar - good to know I'm not alone on that one :lol: So, Tapestry size 22. I will keep that in mind :)

SSC - Yes, thank you! For some reason her site was down when I tried to look at it earlier today. Now I'll never forget again :)