Splurged a little on MLP's today : )


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jul 26, 2005
I just loaded up my cart at Walmart today w/ MLP's! I got the Crystal Princess Wysteria and Desert Rose, and the balloon flying Cherry Blossom and Merriweather-my daughter keeps pushing the music button on them over and over :p I love that they play the original MLP theme song!
I also got 10% off a Bon Appetit because the box was smashed-but the pony is fine and I was going to take it out of the box anyway.

I still have to find the Petal Parlor and new Spring Basket, and also the Scootin' Along Lullabelle and Cupcake. Oh, and I'm VERY tempted to buy the big stylin' Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie-saw them today, but passed for now...more pony spending to do!!