

A long time ago…
MLPTP Supporter
Dec 26, 2015
Thanks to a great friend and some cold medication, my daughter actually smiled on her way to school today. Her favorite teacher from last year is helping me keep her in the class she needs. I was so stressed and overwhelmed with nobody to help me get what's right for my girl. I'm so glad I reached out. My daughter scored highest overall in the entire district for her year. Just because she has a different way of learning doesn't mean she should be left behind. I'm not looking for her to be singled out and made open to more bullying by getting extra attention. I just want her to have what she needs to succeed and I finally feel like I'm on the right path to get her there. There will be some changes after holiday break.
So much is still wrong, but my daughter's smile makes it all worth it.

I just wanted to share. Spread some smiles. Life can be great.
I am so happy to hear this news. She is quite intelligent and deserves to have opportunities. You are right to help her get those. You are doing everything right @Tak
Thanks @tulagirl it's rather hard having a kid that's smarter than me. I'm not of low intelligence, just not up there with her and my little brother. It's been so frustrating this trimester trying to find a way to get what she needs. I speak Evelyn,but her teacher needs a translator.