Skinny skunk girl colors WIPs


Lil Bee
Aug 4, 2005
Finished off the flats for this and re-did the background swirly tonight, all while listening to Mr. Holland's Opus on the tv behind me. Nothing like a movie that's inspired me and has always made me smile inside ever since it first came out in the theaters, yeeeeeeeeeeeears ago, to keep me working. ^__^

Making progress on the colors for the Scrawny Skunk Girl painting. Decided to get rid of the hard ink lines for the background swirls, and played with the pen tool.

Skunk girl is still just in the flats stages herself, but I plan on bringing her into Open Canvas tomorrow to work on the actual painting. Photoshop CS3 STILL doesn't have that natural painting feel that I like so much, so yes, I still use Open Canvas 3 to do my actual digital painting.

My only question, though, should I color the line art, or leave it black?


I remember seeing that there is another digital painting program out there, that is used by one of the Spongebob Squarepants artists ( the guys artwork can be seen on comic covers, snack boxes, book covers, etc ). I can't remember the name of the program, but from what I've seen, it's the closest thing to real painting effects that you can get with digital painting. If I could just remember what the name of it was, I'd love to get my hands on it, and try it out myself.

Anyone have idea what I might be talking about, by chance?

And no, I'm not talking about Painter.

I wish I could give you the skilled opinions you are seeking on the line art. It's all mysterious to me, how you and Caramel Coffee and others create such amazing stuff with a mouse, magical light pens and tablets and mind-twistingly high tech software.

May I just say that skunk gal looks fabulous, and leave it at that? :sunny: You have a great style!

Heh, don't need to create the same work I do in order to critique something, hon. ^_^ Just thoughts about whether people think I should add color to the line art or not.

I'm thinking I might, to tone down the darkness of the black in the ink. We'll see. I'll have to paint her first, then I'll play around with coloring the line art.

AH! Aura's stuff is gdang awesome! *bows to her*

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