Reharing question


Broadway Baby
Sep 14, 2005

So, I have just finished my first rehairing. She's lovely except for the fact that the hair pretty well sticks straight up. The punk mohawk isn't exactly working for her. *lopsided grin* Any suggestions on getting it to lay a little flatter?


It's probably the hair you used. Which brand did you use? I ONLY recommend Restoredoll hair to people. Nothing compares to it, in my opinion.

Maybe try using a flat iron to the base of the hair, to see if you can get it to lay down a little. Other than that, I am not much help. :?
It's Yaki Pony hair - I kinda figured that might have something to do with it. *lopsided grin* I wanted to use Restoredoll, but something came up and I had to get her finished before I would get the hair in. I'll try a couple of things and hope it lays a little flatter

Use a hair band to hold the pony's hair down, then dip it in boiling water (unless the pony's been painted, because I'm not sure what that would do to it.) It works wonders!

Thanks Lady M!

She has been painted, but, if all else fails I may try it anyway!
