$ Price Check $ Peruvian Lickety Split, SS Angel, Princess Moondust


Superhero Pony
Apr 22, 2008
Lickety Split is in lovely condition, soft curly hair, no major marks, plus she smells like crayons! XD

SS Angel has very minor flocking wear in the usual places, and her hair is a wee bit rough.

Moondust has no accessories, pretty good tinsel, no major marks.

I'm trying to find out how much my whole collection is worth so far. Seems like a good thing to know. XD

Also...teehee. X3 Got to use the new feature!
Peru Lickety Split will depend - is she the normal colour combination or the one that is a darker purple with green hair?
Normal coloration, though her hair isn't terribly pink. XD If I can find my danged camera, I'll post a pic tomorrow.