Old time collector, new time member

Greetings and hello's! I am Michelle Lysyk from Calgary, Canada! Username..good idea! Enjoy the forum!
Welcome to Trading post and hello :). How many mexican ponies you already have? And I'am interested why you decided to focus on mexican ponies? :) Do you have other countries ponies or only mexican? :) Sorry to be nosy :p
Hullo and welcome! So glad to have you here. :smile:

I'm nosy too! Your decision to collect Mexican ponies is so interesting. Is there something about them you like best?
Me being from Mexico is the biggest reason =3
How many I have...? Er... a guess-timate? Over 250 =X

I have a few other nirvanas XD
French Cotton Candy, Greek Blossom and Moonstone, -bait condition- Peru Glory, -partially bait- Italian Parasol, two Argies (babies), and I think it's all of them...?
A Mexican collector? Oh, owning the Vanilla Bests variants are my dream! (I mean the gray and purple Mexican variants)