MY GRAIL and a few RAOKs!

  • Thread starter thenumbersarecursed
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Oh my.
Pictures say a thousand words so here they are!




The chibis were a ROAK from paint Kitty. She is so talented and I just adore them! Dabble was won by me on ebay from mlpsayuri, and is just lovely! i got her for a great price, thanks mlpsayuri!Dabble and the chibis arrived the same day and it brightend my day so much!


Crumpet was a gift from my best friend and mom and baby were finally reuinted!
Those little chibis are so cute!! I love Baby Crumpet too, I'd like to get her one day :D

I'm so glad she arrived safetly and went to a very good home. I wish I would of known you were looking for scribbles before I had put her on ebay. I would of sold her to you for that same price.
oh that would have been so awesome mlpsayuri!
I got a beautiful Dabble though, and one day I will have her sister! Thats very nice of you too.
I love Dabble!