LP9's Custom Challenge -- Ready to tackle another pony!

I can't wait to see him finished. I'm also glad that Hajime is there for moral support. :)
that's looking good! is the colour fairly close to the picture? I know my camera distorts colours! if it is pretty close tot he actual colour it looks good!
Hahah, my trusty marker has seen many a pony head. It's just so handy! :p

that's looking good! is the colour fairly close to the picture? I know my camera distorts colours! if it is pretty close tot he actual colour it looks good!

I think my flash brightened the color just a tad in the picture. LOL, if it helps to compare, that's my Pete Townsend "Empty Glass" record in the background. That's more of a yellow-brown color, and the pony is a red-brown, if it helps. :) I think I'll need to lighten a bit -- if I keep going with this color, I think he'll end up too dark.
Owen, Day Two

This took a little coaxing. My camera batteries died last night. Bah! But we're back in business tonight for a progress pic.


This time, the color came out a bit more red than it really looks in person. It also wasn't that kind to the transition areas...ouch! Going to have to work on those some more.
Owen, Days Three and Four

I didn't take a pic of day three, wah! But it was "boring" transition painting and sealing -- not much to see anyway.

Yesterday I started the rehair, so we can sort of see where we're going. I'm going to have to work on the white stripe, because (le sigh) the mane split there. So without further ado, here is Owen, with some hair in place. (And finally, I got a pic where the brown is just about an accurate color!)

Oh he is coming along so nicely! :)
Thanks, Josie! I'm planning on mailing Hajime Tuesday morning, btw. I found just the perfect-sized box and plenty of bubble wrap to pack him. You'll have to let me know if he lives up to his pictures!
Owen, Day Five

After some wrangling, the hair was finished. And unfortunately the hair struggles made me do some touchups around the mane. But with that finished, I heaved a sigh of relief and rejoined head and body. Yey!!!


So after that? It's time for eyes. Phoenix Down requested I try for the golden eyes in Blackestbird's commission pic, so after a couple false starts, I think I got something close...


The last thing we need to decide on is the color for the vines. Photoshop to the rescue! I painted some quick vines in the three possible combinations and then plopped them on the pony:


On the back end: silver (though a more careful painting should yield an actual solid metallic silver finish and not this spotty one.) Will be a sort of matte silver, not super-brightly polished silver.
On the wing: Pearly white paint, has a sort of silvery sheen in the right light. Maybe be a little translucent.
On the face: Straight white with pearl powder brushed on top. This is the kind of powder you'd use to patch Pearly Baby G1 ponies, if that helps give an idea of the shine.

So it'll be up to Phoenix Down which type of paint she likes best. I'm leaning to either the silver or the white with pearl powder on top, but I think I can get all of them to cooperate with some poking. ;)
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The eyes are awesome!!

for the vines it is so hard to decide! I think maybe the white with the powder is my favorite though!
Thanks, Josie! I'm planning on mailing Hajime Tuesday morning, btw. I found just the perfect-sized box and plenty of bubble wrap to pack him. You'll have to let me know if he lives up to his pictures!

Oh I'm sure he will be more handsome in person. I can't wait to show him to my husband. :)
Owen, Day Six -- and maybe finished?

Lost a couple days to working nights (bah!) but Owen and I have been bonding over his vines. I tried to mimic BB's patterns as closely as I could, but I'm such a sucker for dots, I added a couple here and there. ;)

So here he is with symbols...


And I couldn't resist -- I took Owen to work with me today for a group photo with Una the steampunk pegasus. These two are clearly relatives!


Phoenix Down, if Owen looks finished to your satisfaction, drop me a PM and we'll work out the payment bits. If not, keep tossing suggestions my way and I'll try to make him into your dream pony. ^_^
He looks awesome! I can't wait to see him in person!
Wow, he looks amazing!

Seriously, guys, you have been so nice to me, and given me such great ponies to work on! I'm going to take a little break over the weekend to get the Halloween ATC swaps going in the Art forum, but I'll be ready for pony #3 Monday... I have already updated the available baits in post #2, so you can start thinking about the next one...
wow great job! The transformation of the design from your last post to the one before is unbelievable! awesome custom.
Time for another pony!

You know, it felt awfully strange this weekend not to work on a pony for somebody else. I got ponies finished for myself, but suddenly I'm addicted to working for others. Quick! Toss me a ref sheet and pick a bait (from the second post) before I go crazy! :allecto: