Looking for an old MLP collection video


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Nov 30, 2022
So I watched a lot of MLP collection videos way back in the early years of YouTube (like 2007-2010) and one of them I just kept coming back to over and over again, I loved watching it. Drove my parents crazy.

Well I have been trying for like 2-3 years now to find the video, but I can’t find it anywhere on YouTube. I’ve tried using the Wayback Machine, sorting by year, everything. I found a few old videos from that era that I used to watch, but I still can’t find that One.

I can’t remember who posted it or what the name of the video was, all I can remember was that she was a G1-G3 collector and that she had her whole collection in a basement under some stairs.

Her video started out with her saying “Okay… so this is my third attempted video…” and somewhere near the beginning she says “oop there’s me, hello!” as she looks at her face in a mirror but she’s holding a camera over her face. She’s like in her 30s? I guess? The start of the video also had her showing a pony light-switch plate. She also says “and over here we got the boys” and she shows off her Big Brother pony collection. I really only remember what happened in the video and what she said, I just can’t remember the channel name.

Does anyone on here remember this video? It had to have been from like 2007-2009. I know I didn’t just imagine it cause I drove my parents crazy with it.

It’s probably been deleted from YouTube, but if anyone remembers this video at all or knows where I might could watch it again (or even if the lady herself is actually on here!), please let me know! It would make me super happy to find this video again.
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