Latest auction win - How did I do?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 16, 2005
I bidded earlier not actually thinking I would win. Actually, now I rather wish I hadn't won because I think I may have overspent. :p But I did get something nice in this lot I won't have to look hard for in the future. I won them for 23.25 GBP ($42.27).


It will be fun to get them in the mail
Nice Baby Candy there. Congrats :) and Sports Time looks good too...
Don't worry, you didn't overspend, that is a great price for Baby Candy! (I thnk that's her name lol!) Congrats!
You didn't overspend. ^_^ That is indeed Baby Candy and she's lovely. I'd say you have about $20 worth of other Ponies, there. So, if you take that away, you only spent $22 on Baby Candy, which is about half of what she's worth. Congrats!
Hey guys, thanks for the comments! I may take some more pics once I actually get them.
is that just a regular lemon drop? she looks odd.
