It was a lucky day today on avenue A....



when a lady in a limo came my way... Okay so I saw RENT last night...and although I have seen it on broadway and I own the soundtrack and it was my life when I was in highschool...It flooded my emotions once again when I saw it last night (opening night and there were like 10 people in the sad). So I drew Angel...she is so wonderful in this movie. I love her! I cried like a baby in the movie...but everyone else did too. You really should get a box of tissues when you see it.

so the movie was good, then? i was a little worried about seeing it and having it not live up to my expectations.

nice work, by the way. ;) i like the stockings.
i just saw it last night. it was incredible. i too cried like a baby. i can't wait to see it again.
OMG Whippit!!! I love it!! I saw the movies Monday night and its instantly one of my favorites!! Your drawing is so awesome!
That's great! It captures Angel perfectly.

I saw it during the first matanee on opening day and loved it. I'm sure I'll be seeing it again once or twice before buying it on DVD. :D