Ebay Auction Ice Crystal

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Do you know if ebay adds an international shipping fee onto this item? I have seen some people complain about that and the seller say it is out of there hands. Just asking, because I am really interested in bidding on this item and I live in the US.
Hi there. I don't see why and what kind of extra international shipping fee ebay would add. I've shipped to the US before, and I've never had any complaints. Of course, they were always small packages.

I have asked around about possible extra fees on international shipping, but the only information on extra "hidden" charges I got was from people around here who bought from US based sellers; nothing about extra fees when it's the other way around. I have had one experience (as a buyer) where I had to pay extra for the package I had bought from the US. Those extra charges were custom fees, but not really an added ebay fee.

US based buyers on this board can share their experiences, I'm sure.
If you're worried about spamming the boards so much, you could always edit the title on an existing thread and add in new auctions. :) You're only allowed one thread at a time.
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