... I have no words... x-posted


*Princess of Ponyland*
Jun 8, 2005
... to desribe my luck! Seriously!!! I mean... maybe I saved Ponyland from the witches when I was a kid and they erased my memory...?
Ok here it goes...
I was at work, and my best friend who also works with me comes into the bookshop with a cheaky grin on her face and I could see she was hiding something behind her back.
I was like "oooh!! you have a surprise for me!?"
She said her mom had decided to clean up their storage room.
My eyes went wide.... I said "...did she find a pony...????"
She nodded and my heart stopped. But then I thought maybe it's just a common one, but still!
She gave me this...

I swear I nearly died!!!!!!!
Not only Baby Elsi but DARK BLUE Baby Elsi!

And here she is after the make over:

How lucky can a person be!!!!!????
Feel free to use voodoo on me! :humble:
Congrats she cleaned up reallly nicely ! :)
omg UG, your luck never ceases to amaze me! That's it, I'm moving to your country - I want your luck!
Wow! That cutie is gorgeous divine! Awww! Lookin' fine, you know it! Wicked!