G4 How would you explain My Little Pony Generation 4?



Here is a question,

Imagine a back to the future type scenario. :lolpony:

If someone from the 80s, came here today, how would you explain what a G4 pony is? What would you tell them has happened to "My Little Pony" ?
I would totally tell them like, the Ponies, y'know they got all grody to the max and they had to become tubular again so kowabunga, baby!

I'm super cereal. I would say it just like that. I was in the 80's, it's how we communicated.
Well, I'd tell them that Hasbro did some evolution of ponies so to speak, and there's this amazing cartoon called The Power Puff Girls and that the creator splices that style of cartoon with the original 80's mlp storyline, and they get a new and improved mlp series~

And that Hasbro wasn't serious when they produce the G2's and G3 cartoons. But G3 figures are worth staying alive for xDD
G4 is what happens when you produce your entire cartoon in Adobe Flash and then have to try design a toy line around that oversimplified style... Laziness born from laziness, then compounded by greed for profit. Everything gets mass produced in the exact same mold, the same six designs over and over because they know those will always sell, made tiny so they can make tons of them using as little plastic as possible. They use lower quality nylon for the hair and little enough of it that the hank can be divided up between four ponies, stamp the cutie marks onto one flank only to not waste decals... Little kids don't know or care about "quality" and parents will always buy them everything they ask for, so why waste time, money and effort making G1 or G3 ponies when you can make four times as many with the same amount of materials and sell them for the same price?
If I'm talking about the show, I'd say that a talented cartoon creator took a great 80s concept and made it more attractive to 21st century kids while maintaining its integrity. I would neglect to mention the G2 and G3-3.5 cartoons. Wouldn't want to scare our time traveling friend.
If I'm talking about the toys, I would summarize it and say that My Little Pony maintained its quality until about 2008, when a steady decline in size and creativity brought us from ponies to toys that kind of look like deer. Still cute, but they don't really say "pony", at least not to me.
I'd say it has an amazing cartoon that teaches many great morals. There are well developed characters. Some even reference great ponies from your time. It is a wonderful way to bring ponies to the modern kids of the 2010's. Along with the show there is also an awful toy line that repeats itself over and over again. You should feel lucky you get such a variety of ponies. Also make sure to tell your mom or dad to never donate your ponies. Believe me, you're going to want them when you're older. Especially after you see modern pony toys!
Those rotten Past Parents, swiping our Ponies. I wonder if we could sue them for mental strife?
:lolpony: If only we could!
It's like if someone anime'd a G1 pony while keeping great storyline and morals