How do you display your seaponies? O.o


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 7, 2005
I just washed all of my seaponies and now I don't have a place to put them. Or rather, I could make a place, I just don't know HOW to put them. I have 12 total, 9 babies and three adults.

How do you display yours? O__o
sea ponies

My adults all have their shells, so they sit in those.
The babies sit in their rings, and the bit of thier tail that is under the ring then sits in a cut off bit of the cardboeard that is inside toilet paper rolls, which is *usually* covered in paper or foil to go with the colour of the pony.
We display the in egg cartons and I have attatched a picture of how we do this.

I display them on top of my shelf, leaning on thier floats.

Here's the shelf:

And a closeup:

They look really cute like that, I've since rearranged them a bit so they aren't as crowded.
That is so clever with the eggboxes =)

I would say lean them against something (the wall och the back of your displayshelf) if they don't have shells or floats :)
I saw somewhere that people use the dome lids off of Icee/Slurpies or marbles in a bowl (like maybe a fish tank)
I display mine in a MLP mug.
I only have Sealight as an adult, she's currently leaning against DnP Twirler to 'stand' up. My baby sea ponies are sitting on top of various ponies, I think Waterlily is on Sweet Stuff I & II, and Waterlily II and Sea Shimmer, uh, no clue. :roll:

Huh, I thought I had a pic of Sealight... -_- Mom must've hidden it in some random file on the pc...
I use clear plastic punch cups, the disposable ones you buy for parties.

I cut out the bottoms and place them upside-down, like this:
Hmm...I like the cup idea better and it's neater, but it's also more work. XD I think I'm going to go with the egg carton.

very creative babyapplejack! i like your display cases, :D .
There was someone who displayed there sea pony babies by hanging them from the ceiling with fishing line. I have no idea who it was, but they had a pony room and it looked really cute. ^_^
Oooh! I like the fishbowl idea with those clear, tinted glass beads they sell in floral departments.... now if i could just think of a way to have a little pond full on my shelf...
