How do you deal w/ others rejecting your obsessions?


Teeny Tiny Baby Pony
Jun 9, 2005
I want to know if its just me or every collector of some sorts that feels inferior when someone puts down your obsession. I started collecting G3's for my 3 year old whom loves ponies. We only collect G3's, she has a few G1's from my grandmas goodwill days but she loves ponies overall. Anything w/ a pony.Well as my daily routine to the store (Walmart, the only one here w/ ponies) I went through the toys to look at ponies. My older sister was with me and she blurted "Ohh you don't need any more ponies, you have enough, too many..You have an obsession with ponies. Way to many", then the remarks are, I am not buying your girls anymore ponies for christmas, you have enough.." It just makes me so mad to hear people put down others likes. So much negativity. When my 4 year old was watching the new video today that came w/ hidden treasure, her face lit up when she seen all those pegs. She only has Coconut Grove and now the Hidden Treasure pony. Thats the reason why i keep buying ponies. Her face is never a disappointment. She was giddy all over herself. I don't like it when I feel shameful for spending my $10.00 on 2 ponies or guilty because I have to many. Its not that I want to buy, and buy, its the joy of seeing a smile on my daughters face and her whole life lite up with excitment because she has a new pony. I beleive you should make your childrens life happy, unforgettable, joyful... As for buying ponies way to much, its our life...I know how i feel when Evy opens her pony and runs to play for an hour at Ponyland USA and introduces them to their new friends. Does anyone else feel like closing your ears to the outside world? I only wish I had a pony friend that was so excited about it as my daughter is. I guess that will be the closeness between mother and daughter, sharing happiness. But YES I will continues to spend my $$ on PONY items and go out of my way to provide happiness for my girls.
When people insult MY ponies, I give 'em something they'll remember. Never insult Spooky's ponies/pony-collecting, you get beat, badly. 8)
I'm lucky, my family supports me, (my boyfriend let me use his car to go to MN for the convention (he had to work) and my parents went with me)

However, a couple years ago I told my grandma, who started my collecting frenzy, that I was still a big time pony lover, and she told me I was too old to be collecting 'childish toys' what, I'm least I'm not into drugs, or pregnant at my age, pony collecting is a safe, fun hobby that all sorts of people enjoy. It's just sad when people put down the things you love and enjoy most.
Yeah, it seems like sometimes other people don't understand. And thats okay, you know why? Because they don't need to. You know that ponies is your passion, and your just trying to share that same thing with your little girl. And at the end of the day, thats all that matters when you see her face light up and the joy that radiates from her. We can't expect everyones approval on everything even though it bothers us that we can't share something thats so important to us to everyone. And its allright because it doesn't matter. You know that pony collecting makes you and your daughter happy and thats all that really matters :wink:

galaxy22586 said:
I'm lucky, my family supports me, (my boyfriend let me use his car to go to MN for the convention (he had to work) and my parents went with me)

However, a couple years ago I told my grandma, who started my collecting frenzy, that I was still a big time pony lover, and she told me I was too old to be collecting 'childish toys' what, I'm least I'm not into drugs, or pregnant at my age, pony collecting is a safe, fun hobby that all sorts of people enjoy. It's just sad when people put down the things you love and enjoy most.

pony people are the most innocent, independant, free thinking and honest people I know. ^_^
People who put us down are probably envious that they aren't like us and they cannot make the link to the fact that it's because we collect ponies...
....o-kay...did that make sense to anyone? *crickets*

..nevermind... :?

*pony hugs to sevenbelles* don't worry, you've got us!
galaxy22586 said:
so what, I'm least I'm not into drugs, or pregnant at my age, pony collecting is a safe, fun hobby that all sorts of people enjoy.

That's what I say (except I'm not 19). I mean, when my parents give me flak about buying too many ponies, I just tell 'em 'Hey, it's not drugs, or something life-threatening! Lay off!' Then they do, because, though ponies ARE addictive, except for draining your wallet, they don't really DO much else. :tongue:
Well, everyone collects something. So people who come to my home know better than to make fun of my collections, as I'm sure they have collections I can ridicule as well. lol

only my boyfriend knows about my collection and what i have. my family doesn't even know i collet them, they'll probably die if they find out, lolz. I told my friends but none has seen them yet. I'm waiting to get a nice curio to display them before i let the whole world sees it, lolz. what, I'm least I'm not into drugs, or pregnant at my age, pony collecting is a safe, fun hobby that all sorts of people enjoy.

I agree 100%.

That's actually one of the reasons my dad supports my collecting--because for the most part it's a safe, positive activity that puts me in contact with some really awesome people.

I've been derrogated for my pony interest many times, and it used to bother me quite a bit. It took my friends a few months, maybe years? to fully accept and understand it. But that's another way you can tell the value of your friends sometimes, I suppose. They don't judge me for my collections.

My main coping mechanism for countering 'pony hate' (lol) is to just not give it a second thought. People are going to talk, and they do have a right to their own opinion. At this point, I'm proud enough of my collection and have enough confidence in the matter that I simply ignore the majority of what people say.
i say stuff like

how the hell is it any different from the people who collect Barbies or star wars crap??
To each their own and it's as simple as that.

My brother used to think I was nuts but then they re-released Masters of the Universe and he was begging me to drive to every store in a 3 hour radius to look for figures for him, lol. Everyone's got their own little obsession so to each their own!
I just don't care. It's way better that I collect ponies, rather than go out and spend $$$$ on alcohol and get puke-my-brains-out-drunk like most people my age, right? =P
I like me and nobody else can change that.
I never get any crap talk about my pony collecting from my family. It's mainly from 'friends' at school. I honestly don't give a crap what they think. It's my life and I have the right to do what I want with it. So it's not 'cool' to them, I am proud of my collection and that's what matters.
bwahaha! That made me laugh ambrosia ^_^ thanks!
I've gotta try that! :D
*pony hugs to peoples here* Ponies rule!

I'm the kind of person who doesn't really care what other people think. Anyone who knows me, know that. So they know that there is no point in trying to change me...

I love my ponies, but I have to agree. From another perspective. From the "un-collecting persons" eyes it probably looks insane. I do think so myself somtimes when I look at my collection. I think: "What the hec am I doing here?" But then I think: "OK, so what else should I spend my money on... hmmm... nothing." And then I'm back in buisiness ;)

Not a lot of people know. My dad who never ever talks about it. My mum who buys me tons - but I can see the worried look on her face about this whole thing =P And my boyfriend who is constantly giving me crap for this. He doesn't have a collection of his own. But he sits infront of his computer from dawn till dusk so I just tell him that he can sit there if he wants playing his computergames, buying parts to his computer for hundreads and hundreads of $$ and I can have my hobby. He is saying that playing computergames is a lot more normal than collecting toys. But then I just tell him: "Well, I'm not normal. Never has been, never will be. So you either gotta live with that or leave me." But he sticks around, he accepts even though he doesn't want to ;). I appriciate his effort to try and not say anything and accept it. But he will never ever understand. But we love eachother anyway. I just doesn't ever bring it up with him and everything is ok.

Don't let people get to you *hugs* No matter what you do people is always gonna have an opinion. If you do one thin, people are gonna complain. If you quit it, someone else will complain. And it's better that your sister complains and you shut that out than your daughters dissapointment.

Take care
I love you guys! *gives hugs to all the pony people*

ps. Steve...any guy who collects ponies, rocks! :D
I don't care. I've never been bothered by what people think of me, and have never followed crowds. I'm a self confessed eccentric and I'm happy with who I am. I like being different. If anyone gives me grief I just fire back with something that I think would hurt them and say no more about it. Anyone who has a problem with me or what I like, that's their problem. It's not hurting anyone, so what's the fuss?