[Heat #19] - Twirlerina VS. Puzzlemint

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Normally I'd be gaga for a blue pony, but Twirlerina is about the most bland pony design possible. Yawn.

Puzzlemint -- now there's a spunky girl. No one else has their very own video game to chase rainbows and try their hooves at DDR. Puzzlemint all the way, no kidding!
I dispise her name, but I do think she is prettier than Puzzlemint, so even though I didn't vote for her in the last round (*Mumbles*), I voted for the flickted-named one. I do like her color-scheme. :p

And Claire, you crack me up. :lol:
Puzzlemint! Other then Silverglow, the G3 pegs aren't that spectacular to me.
Yikes! With my vote, the girls are tied! I won't tell who I voted for. :)
It's Twirl this time. I voted for Puzzle last round, but I love Twirls color scheme... and her tinted wings :)

Puzzlemint of course! :D

Twirl. Much prettier than uggo Puzzle, who has a dreadful pun and no green. If you're gonna make a pun about mint put green on the pony, dangit! Twirlerina is overall superior in every way... yep.
Claire you make me giggle!! hehe
Puzzle wins my vote for this one. I like the pegs but Puzzlemint has such a great personality and I muct admit I'm addicted to the game she comes with, it's simple fun, great for relaxing.

Twirlerina's wings look diseased.

Also . . . Twirlerina? Seriously?
Puzzlemint! Twirlerina has too much pink, they should have just given her a pink body as well.
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