Guess what I got recently PRIZE ADDED!

Yea I am with Ology that would have been my next guess too.
Flare gun
Congratulations Ology you have guessed the right thing!

Please send me your address so I can send you your prize.

I purchased it from a pawn shop for $31.00 which is cheaper than a new one from wall mart and those don't come with a waterproof case.

Thank you every one who participated in my first contest, it was fun.
That is a really cool gun Hank and congrats to Ology!
Cool Gun Thanks. I have no idea why when I saw this I was thinking about Jaws. That was a shotgun lol shark still died I cried anyway. Still really really cool. what you going to use it for? A boat or just to have?
I bought it because I thought it might be useful in the future, other wise I just got it because it was cool. Also I don't have a boat can't afford one a decent one costs over a thousand.