*giggle snort* Oh, cats.


Giftbox Giver!
Oct 30, 2009
I've seen a lot of people on here complaining about how their cats love to eat MLPs... my cat is pretty lazy and doesn't seem to bother them much. But I got a TAF Milky Way in the mail the other day and he was all over her like mice on rice.


I couldn't help but laugh, he was in a dead sleep on the chair behind him, and I set her on my desk to go answer the phone.... I came back to see him nuzzling and kissing on her. My favorite pony is Bright Eyes, but it looks like MilkyWay is Meemo's favorite pony!

(Too bad for him, I keep most of the G1s on the top shelf of my bookcase. He can Romeo her from his chair... but he better not climb her balcony or I'll kill him!)
Awww! What a cute photo! Very nice, happy!
That picture.... it got me! I was laughing out loud, something I don't normally do. Very adorable. Your cat looks like a grown-up version of my Charlie.

Gorgeous Milkyway, by the way. I was like, "Daaaaang, she looks mint!"
Toooooooooooo funny! :) Like the Seagulls in Nemo your cat seems to be saying, "Mine!"
That picture.... it got me! I was laughing out loud, something I don't normally do. Very adorable. Your cat looks like a grown-up version of my Charlie.

Gorgeous Milkyway, by the way. I was like, "Daaaaang, she looks mint!"

She is very nice! (only a few stars are fading) c: I very happy to get her. TAFs are now my next conquest mwuahahahahaha! :D
My youngest cat Nick Cave loves to sniff on Ponies...somewhere around here I have a photo of him snuggling with Blossom. She's not exactly one of my favorites (I'd choose Blue Belle every time) but he seemed to be pretty keen on her.
*that's the look, that's the look.....the look of love* :heart1::heart:

That is so funny!
I have to ask, is your cat wearing a sweater? Just kind of looks like it. :icon_smile_lachuh: